Monica Beard’s Big Announcement!

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on July 10, 2023

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  1. Jason330 says:

    Fuck all of the Michael Smiths.

  2. Jean says:

    Good person, but I think the term “hockessin values” might not land as intended.

  3. nathan arizona says:

    Bringing Hockessin’s Values to Dover? No offense to the candidate, but it kind of sounds like a parody of a republican slogan. But I guess I know what she’s getting at — Hockessin as the opposite of MAGA world?

  4. RE Vanella says:

    I’ll get to the bottom of this. Recording the interview this evening for Friday’s ep.

    Tell you what. Stick questions in the comments here. I’ll ask them if they’re good questions.

    And as I mentioned, “Monica” has been in the studio before, but not as a candidate. As my friend and comrade Nick Beard.

  5. Crispus Attucks says:


    1: What is the first piece of legislation she’d want to work on if she’s elected?
    2: Of the legislators currently in Dover, whom do you see yourself most closely aligned with? Whom amongst the Dems do you see yourself as furthest from politically?
    3: What committees would you most like to be on, and why?

  6. RE Vanella says:

    #2 is very good question.

    I will explain why the other 2 are not good during the interview. Because they’re bad questions, but the reason they’re bad needs to be discussed. So that’s good.

  7. puck says:

    She is a graduate of two of Delaware’s top private schools, and her husband was presumably educated overseas. So I would like to know her approach to public schools, especially on issues like equity and funding. The Hockessin electorate is woefully un-progressive when it comes to public schools, so I’m not expecting much from any Dem candidate on education, other than to be an upgrade from Smith. So I guess my question is, how does your approach to public education differ from Smith’s?

    • Another good question.

      • RE Vanella says:

        Yep. Question was asked.

        • puck says:

          Just listened. My actual question was not asked or answered, which was to contrast with Smith’s approach to public education.

          But I’m OK with that, because on second thought my question wasn’t reasonable at all, and should have been one of the “bad” questions. I can’t expect a Hockessin candidate to come out for limiting charter schools, or increased funding for underserved students, or any of the myriad ways to increase equity, or to limit resegregation, or to increase success rates among underserved students, or to improve the viability of the traditional public schools in the district. Hockessin values tend not to support any of that.

          It’s also an unfair question because none of those issues are currently before the legislature and aren’t likely to be any time soon.

          I guess it will hit the fan the next time there is a school tax increase under the new reassessments. But that will be an issue in some future election.

    • Jean says:

      I would even parse that further, to see where she stands on choice and charters. Charter School of Wilmington was basically conceived as hockessin high school

      • John Kowalko says:

        Charter School Charlie Copeland had and still has Hockessin values. That’s worrisome to me. John Kiwalko

  8. Joe Connor says:

    Being an Irishman I appreciate the Trinity Dublin Bonafide’s but the closest I got was the ride by on the double decker tour bus 🙂 Elite doesn’t do the school justice.

  9. Fido says:

    I’d vote for a dog if it were registered as a democrat and running against Mike smith. Sign me up.

  10. deeds says:

    “Hockesin values to Dover” screams elitist asshole to me….

    Sorry Hockesin folks, thats how the rest of us see it

  11. Jason330 says:

    These Mike Smith trolls are tiresome.