Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread: Saturday, July 15, 2023

What Could Be More Dangerous Than Drag Queens Launching ICBM Missiles?  Um, this guy? (Watch the video):

U.S. Rep. Matt Rosendale worries that drag queens at Montana’s Malmstrom Air Force Base will launch an intercontinental ballistic missile. He called transgender soldiers too mentally unstable to serve.

“We have drag shows taking place at Malmstrom Air Force Base, there are 150 ICBM missiles that are being controlled by that Air Force Base and by these individuals,” Rosendale said. “I don’t want someone who doesn’t know if they are a man or a woman with their hand on a missile button.”

Hmmm.  Methinks he doth protest too much.

FDA Approves First ‘Over-The Counter’ Birth Control Pill.  Can Rethugs’ War On Women end now?  Of course not.  Take Iowa, for example.  Please:

States have continued to pass extremely restrictive bans, and over half of them are categorized as “restrictive,” “very restrictive” or “most restrictive” by the Guttmacher Institute. With many women living in states where abortion is all but inaccessible, the importance of the availability of contraception to prevent unintended pregnancies skyrockets.

“The Iowa Supreme Court questioned whether this legislature would pass the same law they did in 2018, and today they have a clear answer,” Reynolds said Tuesday in a statement following the bill’s passage. “The voices of Iowans and their democratically elected representatives cannot be ignored any longer, and justice for the unborn should not be delayed.”

Biden Moves To End ‘Junk Insurance’.   A policy implemented by Trump:

The Biden administration announced last week that it is rewriting the rules for what’s known as ”short term” health insurance. Democrats say the changes are necessary to protect people from junk coverage that could leave people stuck with staggering medical bills. Republicans say the new limits will take away cheap coverage options some people prefer.

Here’s what Biden’s looking to end:

Enter the Trump administration and its determination to repeal the Affordable Care Act, including all of the law’s rules for health insurance. When that effort failed, Trump officials saw a way to get at the same goal through regulation. They could loosen the rules on short-term plans, allowing people to buy and hold them for up to three years, making them a seemingly viable substitute for Affordable Care Act policies.

Except of course they weren’t a true substitute, because they didn’t have the same coverage guarantees; one study found a majority of the plans had no prescription drug coverage, for example. There were widespread stories of people buying these policies and getting stuck with huge medical bills — and in many cases, it was clear the people who purchased the plans didn’t even realize they were buying policies with such gaps.

This didn’t happen by accident. Carriers pushed the policies aggressively, through advertising and telemarketing, playing up the low premiums and playing down the caveats about coverage limits ― if they mentioned them at all. In a “secret shopper” study by the General Accounting Office, a quarter of would-be insurance buyers got deceptive information about what short-term plans would actually cover.

Why Do Rethugs Hate The Troops?  Oh, not all troops, to be sure.  Just women, and the LGBTQ community.  Who are defending our country:

Republicans in the United States House of Representatives have passed an annual defence funding bill that highlights the party’s conservative priorities – and sticking points – in advance of the 2024 election season.

Democrats have decried the bill approved on Friday, which included anti-LGBTQ, anti-diversity and anti-abortion rights provisions. It passed by a 219 to 210 largely party-line vote in the majority Republican chamber. Four Democrats voted in support of the bill.

The amendments pushed through by House Republicans included gutting diversity, equity and inclusion programmes at the Department of Defence. It banned flying pro-LGBTQ flags at military bases and ended funding for transgender-related medical services.

In perhaps the most telling reflection of the times, the bill also included a provision that would eliminate a Pentagon policy that offers time off and travel reimbursement to members of the military who must travel across states to receive an abortion.

You might feel better if you know why this is happening.  The mouth-breathers are terrified that whites are on the verge of becoming a permanent minority.  Which they are, as demographics are destinyWhich is why they’re trying to install a permanent minority government.  That’s what we’re fighting against.

What do you want to talk about?

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