Delaware Liberal

Delaware Occasional Political Weekly: Monday, July 17, 2023

Presented as circumstances warrant.  Circumstances warrant.

1. Eugene Young To Announce For Congress On July 24.  For those who are dismissing his chances, remember, not only is he a galvanizing candidate, he will have the best of the best of Delaware’s grassroots organizers with him.  Here is the invitation:

Eugene Young Announcement Event

Community Event


Monday, July 24
6 – 8pm EDT


The Delaware Contemporary
200 S Madison St

Wilmington, DE 19801

About this event

Hi friends,

I wanted to invite you to an event on July 24th at 6pm at The Delaware Contemporary (200 S Madison St, Wilmington, DE 19801) where I will be sharing my first official announcement about my plans for the future and also how we can build a movement together here in Delaware.

You have been a key part of my journey to be of service to those in Delaware, so would love to have you there (and anyone else you think would want to come).

Many thanks,


You will need to RSVP as space is limited.

2. Branden Fletcher Files For 3rd RD Seat.  While most of what I learned at last week’s candidate get-together must remain confidential for now,  Branden Fletcher has already filed his committee.  I question whether it’s even possible to find a better candidate.  If you volunteered for Shane Darby’s race, he was her campaign manager/field organizer.  Despite a limited timeline, he and Shane almost pulled an incredible upset.  He gave a fantastic presentation last week, he’s running for the right reasons, oh, and I think he’s a genius.  His presentation focused on housing insecurity and renters’ rights.  He is running to fill the RD seat that Sherry Dorsey Walker is vacating to run for Lt. Governor.   For someone so young, his background is impressive.  I love this entry:  “Chronic campaigner”.  I definitely hope to knock some doors for him.

3.  Marty Rendon Is The Real Deal.  While Branden Fletcher would be one of the youngest state reps ever, Marty would be one of the oldest first-timers.  When you look at his district, which is currently held hostage by Speaker Pete, the demographics certainly skew older. And progressive.  Marty is energetic, enthusiastic, and knowledgeable.  He also made an incredible presentation last week.  I scarcely dare to hope that he will be Speaker Pete’s successor.  But he has already built a lot of support in the district.  The sea change would be palpable.  He should be near the top of everybody’s priority list come next year.

4.  Mayor Mike Is ‘Inclined’ To Run For Reelection.  Well, if his only opponent is Velda Jones-Potter, even I’d vote for him.  Her campaign?  She’s Black. She’s A Woman. She’s Unethical.  Will any credible challenger step up, or will Buccini/Pollin continue to run the city? Velda’s more than a little full of herself:

As March 31 is also the culmination of Women’s History Month, I am keenly aware that I stand on the shoulders of phenomenal women who came before me, and that I walk in unison with those who carry the torch today.

True…if all women practiced raiding the public coffers to benefit their ne’er-do-well family members.

5. Great Candidates Emerging From The Woodwork.  In addition to Branden and Marty, we already have Nicki Beard and Tracey Miller as filed candidates for legislative seats, we have Frank Burns running again, and we have three other superb prospective candidates from last week’s get-together, with several others likely to emerge.  Big props to the elected officials who came and helped with the candidate training.  You are the best of the best.

That’s all I’ve got.  Whaddayahear and whaddayathink?

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