DL Open Thread Tuesday July 18 2023

Filed in National by on July 18, 2023

Remember back in 2016 when Democrats scared everyone into voting for Hillary Clinton because otherwise the Supreme Court would overturn Roe v Wade?   Yeah, Dems can’t feel fear in the same way Republicans can’t feel shame.  

Senator Murphy: GOP will ‘100 percent’ pass national abortion ban with control of Congress

Democratic Sen. Chris Murphy (Conn.) on Monday warned about “the stakes” of the 2024 election, arguing Republicans will push to approve a national abortion ban if they win Congress next year.

“If you didn’t know already, if Republicans win control of the House and Senate in 2024, they are going to pass a national abortion ban,” Murphy tweeted. “It’s 100% certain. Just so we’re clear about the stakes.”

This open thread will be filled out by you in the comments, or possibly me around 11:00 this morning,

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (15)

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  1. bamboozer says:

    Yep, their goal is no abortion, dead and dying women be damned. As for a nation wide ban on abortion they gave the game away a decade ago and continue to play it despite it having destroyed the “Red Wave”. Not mentioned that if and when the Republicans take control of the house, senate and the executive branch they will end democracy, refuse to leave and designate the new Fascist of the moment now that DeSantis The Mighty is day old obnoxious garbage.

  2. puck says:

    Republicans actually have a good idea. We should get behind it and hold them to it:

    When the speaker was asked about climate change and forest fires, he was ready with a response: Plant a trillion trees.

    I guess it would also help to get Brazil to stop clearing the Amazon. But that would probably require some hated “foreign aid.”

  3. Trump Gets target letter for Jan. 6 insurrection. This almost always is a prelude to indictment:


  4. Jean says:

    Biden announced that Wilmington will be the 2024 campaign HQ. Rumors abound that BPG is coordinating with the campaign to set up an office just west of market street. They are thinking that round-the-clock security/police presence will discourage certain people from getting too close to Bardea

  5. Arthur says:

    so trump also stole Israeli historical artifacts from the white house and has them hidden in maralago?