Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread Tuesday July 18 2023

Remember back in 2016 when Democrats scared everyone into voting for Hillary Clinton because otherwise the Supreme Court would overturn Roe v Wade?   Yeah, Dems can’t feel fear in the same way Republicans can’t feel shame.  

Senator Murphy: GOP will ‘100 percent’ pass national abortion ban with control of Congress

Democratic Sen. Chris Murphy (Conn.) on Monday warned about “the stakes” of the 2024 election, arguing Republicans will push to approve a national abortion ban if they win Congress next year.

“If you didn’t know already, if Republicans win control of the House and Senate in 2024, they are going to pass a national abortion ban,” Murphy tweeted. “It’s 100% certain. Just so we’re clear about the stakes.”

This open thread will be filled out by you in the comments, or possibly me around 11:00 this morning,

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