Colleen Davis Announces For Congress

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on July 19, 2023

I see no path to victory for her in a Democratic Primary, but she has a right to run.

I more or less have a right to ignore her candidacy.  After this:

Colleen Davis, state treasurer, announced Wednesday that she will run for Delaware’s at-large U.S. House of Representatives seat.

“Raising three children here in Delaware,” Davis said in an interview, “ I think that we need more leaders in Congress who come from working class situations as I did growing up.”

“And truly, I’m focused on fighting for families and keeping them safe and secure.”

Davis’ announcement on Wednesday centered around her childhood, specifically when her father’s company “fell victim to fraud and went bankrupt.” She said her family lost their home and all of their belongings. They moved from rental home to rental home over the years.

She will likely be the only statewide elected official to run in this race, which Davis said has allowed her to meet people “in the throes of the challenges that the pandemic brought us.”

Ho-kay.  Next!

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  1. AA says:

    This announcement is giving the same energy as when Dennis Williams ran for Auditor

  2. jason330 says:

    What is up with these people? Do they have Kathy McGuiness-style coteries of parasites whispering fantastical dreams of the future into their ears?

  3. No, I don’t. Citation?

    • Alby says:

      Endorsed by Planned Parenthood in 2022, so there’s that.

      • Jay Simon says:

        Who else were they going to support? She’s a flipflopper put in by Alan Levin to spoil the primary. Plain and simple.

        • Alby says:

          Spoil it for who?

          • Mediawatch says:

            Right on. It’s not like Chip was making a comeback.

          • Jay Simon says:

            Spoil it for Colleen. Levin doesn’t want McBride nor Young. Too progressive.

            • Please. Levin has no pull in D politics.

            • Jay Simon says:

              I agree. She won’t win, but doesn’t mean he’s not going to try to muck things up. If she doesn’t win and meyer doesn’t win, he’ll put her up for govenor some day.

            • Alby says:

              Where do you get the idea that Levin is behind this? He never contributed to her. He contributed to Simpler.

              And again, this race goes to Young or McBride, period – nobody else has the money or organization. So running a spoiler makes no sense unless he favors one or the other.

  4. Chest Rockwell says:

    By keeping families safe and secure does that mean that every family will be provided the equivalent of Secret Service protection?

    • Alby says:

      Of course, that’s not what a congressperson does, but then we’re talking about someone for whom the simple act of driving is an insurmountable challenge.

  5. deeds says:

    I don’t get this move at all. Maybe she thinks the McBride/Young progressive battle leads a path up the middle for more moderate type soccer moms/old school slower lower Dems? She also does a have a little base in Sussex I suppose. I still cant see her winning.

    This could be I have nothing to lose name recognition run I suppose, but a year long slog congressional race is quite alot to go through to boost name recognition.

    He erratic driving record will be news again.

    • Jean says:

      I think this is the exact line of thinking on her part. Right or wrong, there are plenty of centrist types that will be motivated to primary a progressive. Since the GOP doesn’t have any leg to stand on, I see a bunch of whipped up culture warriors switching their registrations to Ds to get into the fray a well.

  6. huh says:

    I’m really perplexed by her candidacy…about as perplexed as I was in 2018. No one heard of her until about three months before the election. Dems had no one and she basically won on the back of the anti-Trump sentiment at the time. She mentioned “progressive values” in her Facebook post announcement, but is that really a word that can be applied to her? She had no positions before she won State Treasurer and in the last 4+ years she’s barely shared any real positions on matters of import since.

    So, respectfully, Who even is Colleen Davis? This is basically a riskless run for her. She loses the primary? Then she can jump onto her 2026 reelection for treasurer campaign. How has she really distinguished herself as a statewide elected in these last four years? I guess i just don’t get it.

    • Jay Simon says:

      If you look at her website, she takes credit for balancing the budget and avoiding a financial catastrophe and generating a surplus. Isn’t that the job of the budget writers on JFC? As far as I know she just “signs” checks…

  7. huh says:

    Think i have comment in moderation

  8. Al Catraz says:

    “Raising three children here in Delaware… and keeping them safe and secure.”

    If she’s elected, does she get someone to drive her kids around?

  9. Jonny Onthespot says:

    She was also endorsed by EMILYs List and Mary Ann’s List in 2022. Not sure where this anti-choice theory is coming from?

  10. One troll down.

    One sure way to get banned is to throw fake shit up here to smear a candidate.

    Which is why we can all forget ‘remember when’. Although the song is a keeper, even though it’s called ‘Remember Then’:

  11. Beach Karen says:

    What’s her thought process? It’s not like she’s a strong, well-known or particularly well-liked elected official. She’s just kind of, meh. There. Existing.

  12. Les Izmore says:

    Wasn’t her Dad chairman of the Sussex County GOP?

    • Kent says:


    • Nancy Willing says:


    • AA says:

      This type of “guilty by association” is something that no one would bring up if it were a man. Why do people like to connect women who are running for office to the negative actions of the men around them? So what if her dad was chairman, is a child of someone not able to form their own thoughts and opinions?

  13. KentCoDem says:

    6 months ago she said she was “committed to being Delaware’s State Treasurer” and now she’s looking for a new job 👀 Hmm that’s some major Kathy McGuiness energy. Perhaps we should have elected the financial professional that ran against her so that she could focus on running for Congress.

    • Had to look it up. Greg Coverdale. C’mon, you’re not REALLY a KentCo Dem.

      • KentCoDem says:

        I am and always have been but I’ve never felt she was qualified to be Treasurer. She’s far too chummy with McGuiness for my liking.

        • KentCoDem says:

          But seriously if you don’t know the candidates that ran in the last statewide election in both sides of the ballot how can you even provide solid political pundit information? I really hope you’re not serious about having to look up who ran in ‘22!

          • He was that forgettable.

            If you don’t think I can provide solid information, don’t bother reading.

          • Alby says:

            So you’re supposedly a Democrat but you think we should have elected the Republican?

            Kent County Democrats apparently aren’t Democrats at all, they just register that way.

  14. SussexWatcher says:

    Interesting that Colleen Davis is running a Congressional campaign off her Treasurer campaign website,, as well as