DL Open Thread Wednesday July 19 2033

Filed in National by on July 19, 2023

Top 3 Reasons Eugene Young SHOULD NOT Run for Congress This Year

For people who like Eugene Young and want to see him have a political future.  

  1. The campaign was caught flat footed, which is a very bad sign
  2. The New Castle County County Job is wide open.  Take that then primary Coons.
  3. Being a two time loser is a terrible look


The usual tiny-dick idiots want to be able to bring their machine guns to the Delaware State Fair.  

Gun rights group slams Delaware State Fair ban on firearms: ‘blatant insult’

“The Delaware State Fair is now officially anti-gun,” an email blast recently sent to members of the Delaware State Sportsmen’s Association (DSSA) proclaims. The notice sounds off against a policy that prohibits patrons, vendors, exhibitors, volunteers and employees from carrying firearms at the fair from July 20-29, 2023.

The Delaware State Fair website states that “weapons of any kind or objects that appear to be weapons are prohibited and may not be brought onto the fairgrounds.”


Trump announced that he got a target letter in Jan 6th.  Apparently this is significant news.  A newspaper   runs a humorous editorial:

The ultimate Trump test is near. Which side are you on, Republicans? 

I think we all know.


This clip is crazy.



About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (52)

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  1. jason330 says:

    Timing is the hallmark of a great campaigner. If he goes through with this I’d have to conclude that Young doesn’t have it. I know he has some super-fans here, but I just don’t see how this doesn’t severely damage his future prospects.

    Whereas, being NCC Exec in order to then primary Coons might be as quixotic but at least he’d be running having won a prior election and against a person who is objectively terrible.

    • Calvin Sparks says:

      @Jason330 agreed. The county executive race is wide open, and he would go into that race with a huge following and top tier grassroots organizers. County executive is his for the taking. If he does not see that, then maybe he does not have it.

    • jason330 says:

      My prediction about McBride getting a walk is holding up about as well as most of my predictions.

    • Jay Simon says:

      Voters shouldn’t forget she was pro life and a Republican until she decided to run for elected office. Her father is also a prominent and shady Sussex Republican. The perfect candidate for Joe and Joann Conway who still live in the 1950s.

      • Alby says:

        Voters are never even going to notice her.

        • Jay Simon says:

          Don’t be so sure. She’s another gift from Alan Levin.

          • Alby says:

            Sorry, but I’m as sure as one can be when predicting the future. That is, not entirely, but I’ll put a large sum of money on it.

            As MoMo points out, nobody knows who she is. I would guess that the whole point here is to raise her profile, since she’s still going to be state treasurer after she loses this primary.

    • The MoMo says:

      I have many comments, and I’m sure you will see them over the coming year. But let’s start with this ‘working class’ framing. Yeah, no. When she’s not loaning over $100,000 to her past two campaigns, she’s driving taxpayer funded vehicles to and from her million+ dollar beach house. And you know she’s surrounded by wealthy white folk when they let her project that being renters is like the worst thing that could happen. Just so embarrassing.

  2. puck says:

    Young might have had a chance if he had announced first.

    NCCX seems like a good move, except for the suggestion that he then primary Coons. Coons isn’t vulnerable, unless he becomes damaged somehow in the (non-progressive) public eye.

    “Success” as NCCX requires mainly not raising taxes, which will be a challenge.

    • Alby says:

      Coons’ approval rating has historically lagged Carper’s by a non-trivial margin.

      He is as vulnerable as any incumbent Democrat who hasn’t outright screwed the pooch.

    • Nah. He’s gonna have a first-rate grassroots team behind him. It’s July of 2023…14 months before the primary.

      This could well be the most fascinating Delaware primary we’ve ever seen. We’ve got the best and the brightest on both sides.

      • Alby says:

        Curious how many people want a job that has lots of visibility and very little responsibility. Or maybe not curious at all.

    • Alby says:

      Plus it historically leads nowhere politically, which is I think the bigger reason well-qualified people usually take a pass.

      Just curious: What is local government supposed to do about opiates?

      • Jean says:

        I think the people who previously took the job were happy with their own little fiefdoms and didn’t really aspire to climb much higher. As for the opiates? It’s more of a public relations thing. Like when BHL was passing out the test strips, maybe the new county exec can drive around with a trunk full of narcan and tranq tests.

        • Alby says:

          Which people are those? Gordon had gubernatorial aspirations – he claimed as much in court documents. Coons’ ambition has been achieved, thanks to Christine O’Donnell. KHN just needed a paycheck, having no discernible skills.

          I don’t follow the opioid situation. Is Narcan availability still an issue?

          • Jean says:

            Deep down gordon didn’t want to be governor, but I think he needed people to believe that we wanted it. Chris got a freebie, I still think he would have gone back to the family business if Christine “not a witch” didn’t create a golden opportunity. Agree about Karen.

            Taking a leadership role wrt to “addressing the opioid crisis” is good PR and something a county exec can hang their hat on.

            • Alby says:

              I’ve gone many rounds with Gordon and I don’t pretend to know what he wanted deep down. I only know that he started telling people that was his goal decades ago.

              I also know he polled the question, so there were several layers of wanting it before you get to deep down.

  3. bamboozer says:

    What? No guns at the state fair? Suggest we first allow guns in America’s supreme court and congress, why should they be separated for even one minute from that which they love, honor, and obey? Gave up all hope for gun sanity a great many years ago and admit there is no slaughter, no body count too high to change it. The slaughter of the innocents? That would be Uvalde, a been there and done that event for sure. But much more is coming, here’s looking at you politicians and judges.

    • Alby says:

      I look forward to the DSSA protesting when the state GOP convention bans guns, as it always has.

      • bamboozer says:

        As thou shalt live by the gun so too shalt thy be rendered pathetic as the bullets fly and the people die, and all is right in ‘merica.

  4. RE Vanella says:

    I’m going to try my level best to stay out of most of these conversations, but the Eugene campaign wasn’t caught flat-footed.

  5. puck says:

    Whether you agree with the sentiment or not, proclaiming Israel to be a racist state is an unforced messaging error on a par with “Defund the police.”

    The anti-Israel “squad” may or may not be anti-semitic. They still have a shred of plausible deniabilty there.

    Confusingly, the actual anti-semites in America are pro-israel. Mainly because they align with Israel’s current authoritarian government stomping on brown people’s necks. And also because they want Israel to blow everything up so Jesus can come back.

    • Alby says:

      Remember, in the evangelical fever dream, after the apocalypse — which comes after all the Jews are in Israel — the Jews either convert or die. So it’s quite possible to be pro-Israel and anti-Jew.

  6. RE Vanella says:

    Speaking the truth bad look. Lying on behalf of a violent apartheid state and funding brutal ethnic cleansing is a “good look” messaging-wise. I’ve always said this.

    • puck says:

      If you want diaspora and the end of Israel, have the courage to say so.

      • Alby says:

        What if one simply wants the end of the right-wing leadership of the country and its repressive policies? That’s the same thing I want for the U.S.

        • puck says:

          OK, so find an ethical way for Israel to maintain a Jewish majority, and protect its security within its new (hopefully smaller) borders. Anything else results in diaspora and the end of Israel. So just come out and say it.

          • Alby says:

            Just as accurate to say that your support is support of fascism.

            “Anything else results in diaspora and the end of Israel.”

            You’re not clairvoyant. Stop pretending you are.

            “so find an ethical way for Israel to maintain a Jewish majority, and protect its security within its new (hopefully smaller) borders”

            Not my job. I can state what I’d like to see happen without assuming the burden of doing the work that the actual diplomats haven’t been able to accomplish. It’s a bullshit argument.

            • puck says:

              “Just as accurate to say that your support is support of fascism.”

              My support for what?

              I also want Israel to shrink its borders and find a more ethical government. I on the other hand am not willing to let the chips fall where they predictably will, if the US withdraws support.

              The question you are avoiding is, what is the US policy that gets us where you want? For myself, I don’t have the answer.

              I am hoping Biden is working behind the scenes to substantially use US leverage with Israel. There is some evidence this is happening but there is no way to be sure.

              One problem is US policy keeps veering between pro-authoritarian Republicans, and Democrats who are less so. Both parties are constrained by electoral considerations, and also by the realpolitik of the US-Israel alliance.

              Neither of us will even be around when the question of Israel’s existence is resolved, But I’m here now, so my support for or against policy choices is definitely my job.

              • Alby says:

                I don’t have the answer either. But all REV said was that it’s a violent apartheid state and that supporting it is a bad look — his opinion, and not a call for any action.

                Your support for what? The status quo. That’s what I took from your criticism of what, after all, is fairly standard criticism of Bibi and his bunch.

  7. Sussex Worker says:

    Colleen Davis decided to run for State Treasurer when her question “how can I beat a two-term incumbent Republican?” was answered with ‘Stop people on the street and ask them who the State Treasurer is. Ask others who Ken Simpler is”. The answer was most people had no idea. She should now go out and ask people who the State Treasurer is or who is Colleen Davis? The answer will be the same. No one know who she is. What is her reason for running? How is she going to raise the money needed to get her message out? What is her message- “I’m not black or trans”?

    What a way to end a political career. Another statewide elected Democrat from Sussex County finding a way to end her career.

    • The MoMo says:

      Because of the Treasurer’s election schedule, losing won’t be the end of her career. She will just skip work to campaign for about a year, and then come back and serve for two more years. Then run again, or for something else. She’s lucky to have an off-cycle office like that.

  8. The MoMo says:

    Debbie Harrington, the 2nd Vice Chair for the Party, announced her run for Lt. Governor. Not seeing much coverage yet. Her comment was bad, including the phrase “This is a great opportunity for me…”. That explains a lot about why she’s running. When will we have a candidate who has experience in the Senate and is well informed about what the actual job is!?

  9. AA says:

    This is giving the same energy as when Dennis Williams ran for Auditor

    • Alby says:

      Too many candidates for any single one of them to play the spoiler.

      • AA says:

        There’s three candidates for congress, and three ran for auditor. I don’t see more jumping in for congress

        • Alby says:

          There’s four for Congress. Tom Sheriden is going to run, too, and has just as much name recognition as Colleen Davis.

          And anyway, there’s no incumbent, so a third candidate doesn’t necessarily hurt one more than the other.

  10. Toledo says:

    I mean ideally it would have been great if Sarah or Eugene ran for Governor…..

  11. One more thing that’ll get you banned–use the monicker of a well-known public official even though you’re not that person. Then hurl feces.

    Goodbye, ‘Nnamdi’. We hardly knew ye.

  12. Calvin Sparks says:

    How was Eugene Youngs campaign caught flat footed though?

    • They weren’t.

      It’s a meme being circulated.

      • Jason330 says:

        It is not a meme it is an observation, by me. Observed this AM when putting up this post.

        If I’m wrong I’d love to be corrected and see how McBride didn’t muster up all the momentum. All the momentum, at least among people who are not active in the Wilmo activist circles.

        • I don’t think they were caught flat-footed, though.

          They had, and have, a plan, they’re announcing next week, and I think we’ll then know the relative strength, or lack thereof, of the Young campaign.

          I think we were all amazed by the incredible rollout of Sarah’s campaign. She had all her ducks in a row.

          But, if it doesn’t turn out to be a killing blow, the horse race meme, which I hate except when I’m writing about it, could be that, at some point, Young has the momentum.

          As I’ve said, this could be the most fascinating primary we’ve seen in recent Delaware history. These are the two best we have.