Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread Wednesday July 19 2033

Top 3 Reasons Eugene Young SHOULD NOT Run for Congress This Year

For people who like Eugene Young and want to see him have a political future.  

  1. The campaign was caught flat footed, which is a very bad sign
  2. The New Castle County County Job is wide open.  Take that then primary Coons.
  3. Being a two time loser is a terrible look


The usual tiny-dick idiots want to be able to bring their machine guns to the Delaware State Fair.  

Gun rights group slams Delaware State Fair ban on firearms: ‘blatant insult’

“The Delaware State Fair is now officially anti-gun,” an email blast recently sent to members of the Delaware State Sportsmen’s Association (DSSA) proclaims. The notice sounds off against a policy that prohibits patrons, vendors, exhibitors, volunteers and employees from carrying firearms at the fair from July 20-29, 2023.

The Delaware State Fair website states that “weapons of any kind or objects that appear to be weapons are prohibited and may not be brought onto the fairgrounds.”


Trump announced that he got a target letter in Jan 6th.  Apparently this is significant news.  A newspaper   runs a humorous editorial:

The ultimate Trump test is near. Which side are you on, Republicans? 

I think we all know.


This clip is crazy.



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