What the actual fuck?

Filed in National by on July 20, 2023
Ben Collins
Probably not great news that Donald Trump is putting horrifying supervillain stuff like this on his TruthSocial account now.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. bamboozer says:

    Gave up a half century ago on “American Honor” as it’s been repeatedly flushed by incessant war, mass incarceration and a tax cut that tells the middle class to go home and die. This barrage of Darth Vader mentality threats is no doubt red meat for the forces of stupidity armed with AR15’s and F150’s. But would say it’s wasted, said detestables are foaming at the mouth as it is. I have no delusions about non MAGA Republicans and suspect the last one left in late 2016. As ever we have to turn out the vote and remind people that Fascism is a road to ruin, and inevitably and authoritarian government intent on crushing all dissent.

  2. Alby says:

    I fear the opposite will be true – that the free-market fucksticks who used to run the GOP will bide their time. When MAGA fever wanes they’ll put their old destructive agenda forward and it will be accepted as some sort of kinder, gentler alternative to Trumpism.

    The Republican Party must be destroyed root and branch.

    • bamboozer says:

      Perhaps, corporations would be a harsh master as well, believe we’ve seen just the beginning. But corporate fucksticks have but one goal: Profit, as much as possible. The Fascists can indeed live with the forces of greed, both crave wealth and both can be comfortable with a “controlled” economy. Worked well for China, did it not?