It seems like it would be cheaper to train cops to not beat the fuck out of people

Filed in National by on July 21, 2023

New York City reaches $13.7 million settlement for police response to protests over killing of George Floyd

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. stan merriman says:

    It is just not training. It is also recruiting of prospects, not screening out authoritarian personality types so inclined to want cop jobs.

    • Alby says:

      I think the problem there is that nobody else wants the job.

      • bamboozer says:

        Exactly, none without an authoritarian mindset want the job. But that’s our problem, we let the profession descend into “Close ranks”, the “thin blue line” and above all an us vs them mentality. We never like to admit it but policing is something Europe and Japan do dramatically better. As in One Thousand American killed per year vs. a dozen in many countries. The Wild West is still with us, and making a big come back.

    • Jason330 says:

      ..or when the authoritarian personality types slip through, see that they are arrested for their crimes. That would put a dent in the abuses.

  2. Another Mike says:

    Cops should be required to carry liability insurance, much like doctors or lawyers. Settlements like these should come at least in part from the police budget. Police know they’ll be cleared almost every time they use force, particularly in Delaware, and that any damages won’t hurt them or their department.

    And it’s time to get rid of qualified immunity, which shouldn’t be a problem for the current Supreme Court since it’s not mentioned anywhere in the Constitution.

  3. Doug says:

    Anyone for trying to be law abiding citizens first. Don’t give the cops a reason to arrest?

    • Alby says:

      You’ve apparently never seen the real news, just the RWNJ version. Fuck off. Fuck all the way off. Do not pass go, do not collect $200.

  4. capesdelaware says:

    Question: on all these videos why do they keep hollaring “get out of car!!!” on a traffic violation. I would stay in car too !