DL Open Thread Monday July 24 2023

Filed in National by on July 24, 2023

A home invasion is the ultimate wet dream of your average MAGA gun nut. Just listen to how that traumatic experience turned Claudia Trupp into a defense attorney, and campaigner for the innocence project.  

E252 – Innocence Project (w/Claudia Trupp)

Innocence Project Delaware Executive Director Claudia Trupp joins Rob in the bunker to talk about how she became involved in criminal defense work, how an Innocence Project was brought to Delaware, and what work they are doing now to help the wrongfully convicted.

Show Notes:


Jesse, listen to your mother.

Fox host Jesse Watters’ mother calls into show to chastise him for ‘tumbling into conspiracy rabbit holes’ – ‘We do not want to lose you and we want no lawsuits, OK?’


FL Dept of Education “Our Anti-historical nonsense factual if you want it to be”

After getting a load of shit for saying slaves benefited from slavery, the FL Dept of Education threw out of bunch of names to prove slaves benefited from slavery.  You know what happened next.  


This is a little old (from last week), but I just love how Taylor-Green sounds like she just discovered the fact that there was a President named Lyndon Johnson and that he wanted to help poor people.


About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Paul says:

    We do not seem to give much respect to the old adage “better 10 guilty go free than one innocent goes to jail” if we’re talking about black or brown suspects…