It’s Official! Eugene Young Enters Race For Congress

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on July 24, 2023

Here is his announcement:

I wanted to make sure you heard a personally exciting life update, I’m running for Congress!

I’m running for Congress because I still believe we’re a state of neighbors.

When both you and your neighbor thrive, we all thrive. 

I grew up in a place that cared for me and everyone in my neighborhood. Every person on my block felt like family.

All around me I saw people making sure all kids got a good education, connected friends to job opportunities, and supported when finances were tight.

That same spirit of community is what Delaware needs right now.

One person cannot do this alone.

Together, we can build a state where each of us gets the healthcare we deserve, which allows families to care for their parents and loved ones.

Together, we can build a state where all communities have access to good paying jobs, which reduces crime through stabilized neighborhoods.

Together, we can build a state where everyone gets the reproductive services they need, which allows people to make the best decisions for themselves and their family.

Together, we can build a state where we urgently address climate change, which protects our state for future generations.

Together, we can build a state where every child receives an excellent education no matter their zip code, which creates a local pipeline straight to our business community.

That is why I’m asking you to join me and click here to become a Founding Donor of my campaign.

We need to build a bridge to bring people and resources together. Neighbors who aren’t afraid to stand up and fight for each other.

And that’s why I’m running. I am making good on my promise to keep fighting for us. Our fight starts here with each and every one of you.

From Claymont to Selbyville, from the beaches to Wilmington, from Newark to Smyrna, from MOT to Dover, this campaign and movement is going to take all of us.

As a Delaware community we have to come together to take on the fight to ensure every single person here in this state gets a secure and prosperous future.

Delaware, let’s stand tall together.

Eugene Young

I know I’m in the minority on this,  but this could be a primary that lifts both candidates.  And, yes, I’m talking about one of them in Congress, and the other winning the US Senate seat from Chris Coons in two years.

Here’s hoping for a positive progressive campaign from both Eugene and Sarah.

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  1. dede says:

    Between this primary and the Governors primary I feel there is going to be alot of hurt feelings among Democratic staffers/politicos coming…

  2. AA says:

    In my opinion, this is such a selfish move. He knows exactly what he’s doing and knows there are better places he could run.

    • Valentine says:

      How is Eugene’s decision to run for public office, serving the people of DE, selfish? And who are you to say there are better places for him to run? If he wants to run for Congress, that is what he should do. There is absolutely no reason why he should not run for Congress. This is not a monarchy, where the next Congressperson just has to be coronated. It’s a democracy.

    • Like what? Remember, now, I don’t think he lives in Wilmington any more.

  3. stan merriman says:

    This is a tragedy with two of our best and brightest pitched against one another. It exemplifies my Party’s leadership to think strategically in this time of crisis for our democracy. One of that leadership’s responsibilities is to deploy our talent across the electoral spectrum, especially easy in a small state, to assure we spread that talent into leadership positions for the long term. We do not have unlimited progressive resources against the fascists, so deployment looms even more critical. There were many other electoral prospects for the charismatic and very bring Mr. Young who is not a proven legislator as is his gifted rival. Here we go again as we used to say in Texas, “the circular firing squad”.

    • Jason330 says:

      100% Agree. Sadly.

    • dede says:

      I don’t think Betsy Maron knows whats for lunch let alone how to avoid a bruising primary battle.

    • Valentine says:

      Eugene is an extremely gifted community organizer, with decades of experience, who has strong progressive values, and will make a great legislator.

      And two Democrats running in a primary is hardly the definition of “circular firing squad.”

  4. Tragedy? Uh, more than a little over-the-top, IMO. Especially since the state Democratic Party has no business involving itself in a primary. Carney vs. Markell should’ve settled that question once and for all. Besides, what, exactly, would/should the Party do? Urge one of them to run for governor when BHL and Matt Meyer are already running? Suggest they run for the do-nothing office of LT. Governor?

    I think both Sarah and Eugene were independently planning their candidacies. So, I don’t see this as a ‘selfish’ move.

    I’m all in for Sarah, can’t wait to knock doors. But I really like Eugene.

    Besides, who cares about the ‘hurt feelings’ of staffers and politicos anyway? There’s always an election two years hence. Opponents become allies in politics.

    Don’t mean to be contrary, but I guess I’m the contrarian here. I see two great candidates who are worthy of higher office running for higher office.

  5. Stan Merriman says:

    That would be “bright”. Apologies

  6. Jason330 says:

    This makes no sense. Is Young even known outside of NCC? It seems like a rare misstep by people who have avoided missteps.

    • Valentine says:

      Eugene, as a founder of Network Delaware, among other things, is known all across the state. And even if he weren’t, he soon will be.

      Is Sarah known all across the state?

    • It seems like it. But, as you wrote, these are people who have avoided missteps.

  7. SussexWatcher says:

    LOL that Colleen Davis doesn’t count.

  8. RE Vanella says:

    Think of all the positions LBR has taken and all the votes she made and imagine Sarah doing the exact same thing only younger.

    Some of you think Sarah is the 2nd coming of Shirley Chisholm and it’s very funny, to me.

    • Yeah, LBR led the fight for LGBTQ rights in Delaware, and LBR led the fight for paid medical and family leave in Delaware. She didn’t. Neither did Eugene Young.

      You keep pushing that meme that McBride is a Delaware Way politico. It’s a lie that, so far, only you are pushing.

      • RE Vanella says:

        Imagine believing Sarah would challenge Coons.

        Sarah is Delaware Way. I’m sorry to burst your bubble.

      • Bill says:

        We are still about 900 days away from Paid Leave being fully realized in Delaware, and that’s if your boss happens to employ 10 or more people (and that’s for parental leave only) *and* has not identified a way to otherwise be exempt from participating in the program.

        Not saying Paid Family Medical Leave isn’t going to be a positive for Delaware families, but I would be shocked if McBride’s work to get it across the finish line last year has made a dent in voters’ heads at this point (or that it will by the ‘24 primary).

    • Alby says:

      And some of you assume she’s the second coming of LBR, and that’s very funny to me.

      But what’s especially funny is y’all pretending that there’s any power whatsoever in being a lone congressperson.

      They’re all running for the seat not because it’s important but because it’s an open seat, so it’s theoretically easier to win. The winner gets a membership in a debating society.

      • I disagree–a little. Few congresspeople actually legislate, that’s true.

        But some do. The main reason I support Sarah is that she has proven effective at getting important legislation passed, albeit on a state level. I think she can be one of the few who can be effective at getting important legislation considered and passed at the Federal level.

  9. RE Vanella says:

    I’m sorry the other 12 Boomer regular commenters all agree.

    • You’ve got a choice. You can be an unrepentant asshole who offers nothing, or you can continue to post here.

      Which will it be?

      • mediawatch says:

        Or we can acknowledge that there’s room for more than one liberal/progressive viewpoint and let the voters determine whether Sarah or Eugene will better represent them.
        It’s understandable that folks can have some questions about the depths of their progressive beliefs. They’ve both got some corporate Dem ties — Sarah to Markell and Eugene to Carney. Is that a liability or merely the price of doing political business in Delaware?
        Let’s hear them both out and then make our selection. And, no, I’m not worried that they’ll split the vote and open a lane for Colleen Davis.

    • Alby says:

      I favor neither in the race.

      Why don’t you try being positive about Eugene instead of negative about Sarah? Or are you incapable of that?

  10. Deeds says:

    Marcus Henry must be relieved.

    New Castle County government seems to be eternally fucked with cronies. All the talent wants to run for something else

  11. DannyD says:

    The reality is that the difference in name recognition between Eugene and Sarah in Delaware is most likely marginal at this moment in time. Eugene will have to organize better than anyone in recent history to win, but it could happen. Eugene has much more experience than Sarah but she will out raise him by a substantial amount no matter what due to out of state donations and should win the primary.

    Anyone who says Eugene is running to do some dog-whistle campaign is an idiot. I don’t expect this primary to get nasty, the general election on the other hand could be awful.