Knock It the Fuck Off

Filed in Delaware by on July 24, 2023

Two highly qualified candidates have declared themselves candidates for Delaware’s congressional seat. Some of you favor Eugene Young, others favor Sarah McBride. I like them both, and I’m not choosing which one I’ll vote for before campaigning has even begun.

The simple fact is that both would make better senators than Lisa Blunt Rochester and Chris Coons, but the reality of politics is that each needs a stepping stone to that office, so they’re both running for the seat LBR is leaving open.

Having seen the havoc Democratic primaries cause when people start throwing shade at candidates and each other – Hillary vs. Bernie nearly wrecked this blog – I’d like to see this remain a civil debate where we don’t engage in name-calling.

This isn’t a race for president, it’s a race for an open seat in the House of Representatives, one of 435. The stakes simply aren’t high enough for anybody to die on this hill. Try to act accordingly.

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  1. Kent says:

    There are 3 candidates

  2. AA says:

    I want to at least see a debate happen before I make up my mind

  3. One way to get banned is to keep being an asshole when you have been warned that doing so will get you banned.

    Meaning–we have one less asshole commenting now.

  4. SussexWatcher says:

    Does anyone know if Eugene is going to be running while serving in the Cabinet?

    Legit question, genuinely wondering.

    • Don’t know. Sarah’s running while still a senator. Colleen Davis is running while still Treasurer. There’s no law against it.

      • SussexWatcher says:

        Certainly no law. I was thinking about it from a “campaign time” point of view. Davis’ job is basically a joke that requires 0.25 seconds of her time, and McBride is out of session now. Young still has significant responsibilities to DSHA, and that’s going to suck away a chunk of his time.

        • mediawatch says:

          In that context, the heavy lifting of the campaign will be done in spring/summer of ’24, not in the next five months. By then Sarah will be back in session, Eugene and half of Carney’s cabinet will be seeking other forms of employment and Davis still won’t have more to do than autosigning a bunch of checks. Bottom line: “campaign time” for Sarah and Eugene will be more balanced then than it seems today.
          Looking forward to an intelligent, principled competition, with sincere, friendly handshakes after the votes are counted.

  5. bamboozer says:

    I approach this from a to hell with LBR and her corporate owners, and that politics remains the starters gun for inflated egos. Would note two good candidates beats hell out of none, and suspect neither will “do the right thing” and step aside. And why should they? This is democracy at work.

  6. deeds says:

    This is politics….its a rare open seat……its two people from very different backgrounds.

    This is going to be nasty, so if you expect everyone to “knock it off” just wait till the commercials hit next summer.