Delaware Liberal

One more thing about McBride and Young

I took a second to step back and collect my thoughts about the Young/McBride primary and fwiw, here you go:

I have previously mentioned that there are Democratic primaries I like and ones I don’t like. When a Madinah takes out an John Viola in a democratic primary, for example. That’s a good primary.  When a Jess Scarane takes on the task of throwing a spotlight on the wretchedness of Chris Coons, that it a good primary.  In those matchups there are two very different political viewpoints getting airtime and battling it out.

In the case of McBride versus Young I think the candidates are too close in terms of political philosphy.  There are both outsiders of a sort and appear eager to bring a defense of the marginalized, and a fresh voice of reform to our gerontocractic congress.   Of course, their partisans will take exception to that characterization.  And that is exactly the problem.

Since the political viewpoints of the candidates are close, it’s gonna come down to personalities.  While the candidates may be able to stay above the fray,  there’s no way that the surrogates will avoid trying to tear down the opposition.  They basically have to.  And therefor, this will be a damaging primary for the Democratic Party.

If it was held today, and I wish it was, I’d probably vote for Sarah McBride.  I feel like I know her better and although I’ve seen that she is cut from some of the the old “Delaware Way” cloth, I think she’d bring a vitality and energy to congress that it sorely lacking.  She’d also be the 3rd or 4th highest ranking Democrat in the state and would similarly bring vitality and energy to that sad sack organization.  Maybe I’m wrong about her being able to do something new with the old “Delaware Way” cloth, but as in any election, you make a choice and hope for the best.

That said, it is early and I am persuadable.


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