DE’s Most Intriguing Legislative Races Of 2024: #10-RD 15

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on August 1, 2023

This will rank much higher if somebody emerges as a challenger.

Fact is, nobody knows just how strong Our PAL Val Longhurst is in her own district.  She’s had a couple of half-hearted primary challenges from James Burton, who had no money.  Burton’s last challenge came in 2016, where he got about 35% of the primary vote.  Val’s made a lot of enemies, including in the part of her district that she jettisoned during reapportionment (Delaware City).

She is devoid of ethics, having almost immediately parlayed her election into a six-figure job with the Police Athletic League Of Delaware, thanks to Speaker Pete and his cop cronies.  Other than her connections, she had no qualifications for that job.  She has guided one of the most corrupt projects in recent Delaware history–The ‘Underground City At Fort DuPont’.  She has appropriated (stolen) dozens of bills from other legislators for herself,  and then grandstanded about her sponsorship.  She has treated both staff and legislators who don’t agree with her dismissively, then ‘dismissed’ the staffers.  Simply put, she is not a good person.

Yes, she’ll have close to an unlimited war chest, and she will require practically the entire House staff to serve as her ‘grassroots volunteers’.  Since she has fired far more staffers than are currently employed there, any challenger would likely have a legit group of volunteers to go door-to-door and let constituents know the real Val Longhurst.  I, for one, am ready and willing.  Plus, assuming that the House staff is tied down in the 15th, other incumbents facing challengers will be on their own.  Yes, there are some, and there will be more.

Did I mention that Val is the newly-anointed Speaker?  Dethroning her puts an end to the decade-plus obstructionism by the House leadership just like that. A House without Speaker Pete and Our PAL Val?  Dare to dream.  Then act.

The primary is the de facto general election in the 15th RD.  Registration is 10,802 D; 3719 R; and 4793 I.  The 15th RD is one of the most blatantly gerrymandered of this cycle.  Here is the map.  It extends from Bear in zigzag fashion down to the C & D Canal.  A lot of new development here, making it more attractive to a challenger.  You will note how Val cut Delaware City out of the district so that the pissed-off residents there couldn’t vote against her.

The bulk of the RD is in Nicole (No Longer) Poore’s Senate District.  They’ve generally been allies, but have had a couple of falling-outs (‘fallings-out’ just doesn’t sound right). Perhaps, or perhaps not, over bar tabs at Crabby Dick’s.  Bryan Townsend has one ED, and Marie Pinkney has three.  Wouldn’t mind if some of Marie’s volunteers helping out here.

Not to be sexist, but I think the ideal challenger would also be female, someone with a background that constituents can relate to, and with a personality that directly contrasts with the relentless bullying that defines Longhurst’s modus operandi.

If such a candidate emerges, this race will shoot up the list of priorities.  Way up.

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  1. Jason330 says:

    So you’re saying you don’t like Val Longhurst?

  2. Paul says:

    On Facebook, Val’s only desire is to showcase HER family. Doesn’t mine matter to her? A resounding NO is her answer…Shitcan her…

  3. The MoMo says:

    There’s lots of reasons to agree with your post. But for me, and hopefully for a challenger, I’ll never be able to forgive Val for holding and essentially killing the Medicaid/insurance coverage for abortion bill introduced last year. A challenger could force her to actually let progressive policies pass next year, and we need that.
    Also, I was wondering — how did Kerri get tied up in her leadership scheme? Did they simply say ‘okay, the more progressive wing of the party gets Whip’ and that’s that?

  4. Interesting says:

    As a relatively new Delawarean, there are a few political trends/modes of thinking that surprise me. While I enjoy reading and learning about your views, I am not commenting here as someone who opposes you.

    Maybe the fact that this is a very mature blog hides the fact, from current readers, that in the past, you would have more Machiavellian comments and actions. For example, it is clear that all of us want Longhurst out. Why? Well, for everything that El Som said. Wherever you are on the political spectrum, we agree…she is a bad person and the worst kind of politician.

    So here is the set up and the Machiavellian process:

    1. There is a great Progressive Democratic candidate who primaries Val… we say GREAT…lets back them.
    2. There is a strong Delaware-way Democratic candidate who hates Val too…we say…Oh God…I may have to hold my nose..but we need Val out.
    3. There is an Independent with more left leaning…we say Oh God, I MAY have ro hold my nose….

    Now, no one here says…Oh God, Val, again ran away in a primary…what the hell are we going to do?

    Well…. Even if an idiot trumper beat her…maybe even with this blogs help???. It really wouldn’t matter to the state legislature’s agenda. That idiot…who we backed to beat Val…1. has no power, 2. Is on the worst committees, 3. The DE Senate still has a Democratic Supermajority…. 4. The DE House still has a Democratic Supermajority,
    with the amount of Progressives growing.

    If you really want to change…we may have to really hold our nose and vote incumbents out…no matter who 1 or 3 of them are.

    The Democratic Supermajority is, and will remain, intact.