Comment Rescue: Hunter Biden, The Hero

Filed in National by on August 3, 2023

“I went through a difficult phase when I was struggling with drug addiction and committed crimes that I deeply regret. I feel immense shame and embarrassment for the pain I caused to my family.

I am now prepared to take responsibility for my actions and face the consequences. My family’s strong religious faith has taught me the value of redemption, and I believe in our system of laws and justice, where everyone is equal before the law, regardless of privilege or position. Therefore, I plead guilty and am willing to accept whatever punishment the court deems appropriate, even if it means imprisonment. My hope is that this period of punishment becomes a time of healing for myself and my family, and that I can find redemption through this process.”

I wrote that statement based on this very clear thinking comment:

ben says:

i mean, Hunter Biden plead guilty to avoid getting convicted on more serious shit. that is something that happened.

He’s a liability and whether or not its fair, or reality, will be effectively used against the president. (not for nothing, but warning about fake shit being effectively used was something i got laughed at for, then Hilary Clinton became president in spite of a massive disinfo campaign)

I think it actually would have been better for him to go to prison and not be pardoned by his dad. He’d have been well protected in a rich white guy jail, spent at least the election year out of the headlines, and the already baseless charges that Dad shielded him would have been even more ridiculous. Hes a rich white man getting off easy for something a not rich white man would absolutely spend time in jail for.

they are pyschos, but a full 45% of the nation rabidly agrees with them and another ( at least) are too fucking stupid to not be swayed by it.
There is a very small window of time left, but this can still be Biden’s off-ramp and someone better can step up.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Alby says:

    Barring death or serious illness, Joe Biden is the nominee. Learn to live with it.

  2. puck says:

    Let Hunter go to jail, but that won’t shut up the right. They’ll keep on bitching that Joe wasn’t implicated and charged, and that Hunter’s sentence was too light and showed favoritism. The RW only cares about Hunter as a way to beat Joe at the polls.

    • SussexWatcher says:

      If Hunter didn’t exist, they’d just use some other boogeyman out of whole cloth.

    • Jason330 says:

      True, but ” …and I believe in our system of laws and justice, where everyone is equal before the law, regardless of privilege or position. ”

      would have been written into the historical record of our time.

  3. bamboozer says:

    American “justice” is frequently anything but, as in the distinct lack of rich white men in jail. Lost any and all faith in our “Justice costs, how much can you afford” legal system long ago. As in ever hear of a “Special Master” for anyone but the rich? By all means jail young Hunter, as noted a new scapegoat would emerge over night. This is just part of the war against Fascism that has become a new battle at every election and every insane decision of the supremely bad court.

  4. Andrew C says:

    The transcript from the closed-door meeting with Hunter’s lawyer shows he said, and revealed, exactly the opposite of what Republicans are claiming:

    This thread from Philip Bump explains.