Delaware Liberal

Comment Rescue: Hunter Biden, The Hero

“I went through a difficult phase when I was struggling with drug addiction and committed crimes that I deeply regret. I feel immense shame and embarrassment for the pain I caused to my family.

I am now prepared to take responsibility for my actions and face the consequences. My family’s strong religious faith has taught me the value of redemption, and I believe in our system of laws and justice, where everyone is equal before the law, regardless of privilege or position. Therefore, I plead guilty and am willing to accept whatever punishment the court deems appropriate, even if it means imprisonment. My hope is that this period of punishment becomes a time of healing for myself and my family, and that I can find redemption through this process.”

I wrote that statement based on this very clear thinking comment:

ben says:

i mean, Hunter Biden plead guilty to avoid getting convicted on more serious shit. that is something that happened.

He’s a liability and whether or not its fair, or reality, will be effectively used against the president. (not for nothing, but warning about fake shit being effectively used was something i got laughed at for, then Hilary Clinton became president in spite of a massive disinfo campaign)

I think it actually would have been better for him to go to prison and not be pardoned by his dad. He’d have been well protected in a rich white guy jail, spent at least the election year out of the headlines, and the already baseless charges that Dad shielded him would have been even more ridiculous. Hes a rich white man getting off easy for something a not rich white man would absolutely spend time in jail for.

they are pyschos, but a full 45% of the nation rabidly agrees with them and another ( at least) are too fucking stupid to not be swayed by it.
There is a very small window of time left, but this can still be Biden’s off-ramp and someone better can step up.

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