DL Open Thread: Friday, August 4, 2023

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on August 4, 2023

All In The Timing.  Looks like the DC case is gonna go first.  No-nonsense judge, no pesky co-conspirators on trial with him, trial date to be set on August 28.  Don’t think Trump’s mouthpieces can stop this one from happening sooner rather than later:

What is coming into focus for me is that we’re likely going to get a hugely consequential decision pretty soon: a trial date. The government seems very intent on a speedy trial calendar, one that would have the trial take place early in 2024, ahead of his trial in the documents case in Florida. Trump’s lawyer, Lauro, acted as though this is a borderline absurd proposition, that the defense will need far longer to prepare. I simply don’t know enough about the law or judicial practices to know whether he has much to stand on to make that case with any effect. But unlike in Florida it doesn’t seem like he’ll have a judge doing his bidding or giving any special dispensation.

Whatever their stated rationale, it’s clear that pushing the trial out past the election is an almost existential goal for Trump and his lawyers. Remember: as we’ve noted before, if they can get the DC trial scheduled after the Mar-a-Lago trial, delays in the latter will likely force delays in the former.

No wonder that Trump’s attorney wants the venue changed to, wait for it, West Virginia.

DeSantis Rebrands As ‘The Throat Slitter’.  Not sure how that will resonate…:

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) on Sunday said he would “start slitting throats on day one” when it comes to taking on the “deep state.”

DeSantis made the remarks at a barbecue campaign event in Rye, N.H., hosted by former Sen. Scott Brown (R-Mass.).

“We’re going to have all of these deep state people, you know, we are going to start slitting throats on day one,” DeSantis said.

Soon his razors will (Nathan Arizona already knows where I’m going with this) ‘drip precious rubies’:

WTF IS Wrong With The EPA?  Approve highly-toxic material for boat fuel that is made in Cancer Alley:

Federal law requires the EPA to conduct safety reviews before allowing new chemical products onto the market. If the agency finds that a substance causes unreasonable risk to health or the environment, the EPA is not allowed to approve it without first finding ways to reduce that risk.

But the agency did not do that in this case. Instead, the EPA decided its scientists were overstating the risks and gave Chevron the go-ahead to make the new boat fuel ingredient at its refinery in Pascagoula, Mississippi. Though the substance can poison air and contaminate water, EPA officials mandated no remedies other than requiring workers to wear gloves, records show.

The Rethug Mega-Donor Behind RFK Jr.’s Campaign.  He’s the same guy who ‘was responsible for 98% of the contributions to the Texas governor Greg Abbott’s fund to build a border wall.’:

A Super Pac affiliated with Robert F Kennedy Jr, the anti-vaccine conspiracy theorist running for president as a Democrat, owes half its cash to a longtime Republican mega-donor and Trump backer, according to campaign finance reports filed on Monday.

The group, American Values 2024, reported receiving $5m from Timothy Mellon, a wealthy businessman from Wyoming, according to NBC News and Politico. It registered with the Federal Election Commission (FEC) in April, days before Kennedy officially launched his campaign, according to FEC records.

Mellon, 81, is the grandson of Andrew Mellon, a former US treasury secretary who made his fortune in banking. The Texas Tribune reported that Mellon, a top donor to Donald Trump’s 2020 re-election effort, supported controversial immigration laws and was responsible for 98% of the contributions to the Texas governor Greg Abbott’s fund to build a border wall. Mellon, who twice gave $10m to the Trump-aligned America First Action Super Pac in 2020, also used racist stereotypes to describe Black people in an autobiography he self-published in 2015.

I wonder–is it possible that the duPonts aren’t the only family where cousins marrying was not frowned upon, but encouraged?  Otherwise, RFK Jr. sure seems an outlier–and outright liar.

Faithful Friends’ New Home!  This makes me very happy.  Watch the video.

What do you want to talk about?

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  1. bamboozer says:

    Guard thee thy throats as the wild DeSantis doth prowl in search of thy death, or just carry a baseball bat to ward off the coming attack ( A few good whacks would do him good). Admit to reveling in the great fall of Florida’s far right version of Mussolini, this one having succeeded on making the doctors, teachers, gays and lesbians run for the border on time. Re RFK Jr. we live in an age when the rich and super rich no longer hide their attempts to buy the government they want thanks to the supremely bad court.
    Tra La, ‘Tis Friday.

  2. Jason330 says:

    What the fuck does Desantis think he is up to? He is truly horrible. To think that would move the needle for him, and to further think that (on the off chance he beats Trump) that shit will play in the general? Jesus H christ.

    • Delaware Dave says:

      Nothing is worse than the grifter and President. Whenever I’m at an Archmere event, I have to remind people that Biden didn’t earn his high school degree there.

      • jason330 says:

        Hmmm… Don’t tell your fellow Archmere parents. Tell wikipedia.

        At Archmere Academy in Claymont,[16] Biden played baseball and was a standout halfback and wide receiver on the high school football team.[10][17] Though a poor student, he was class president in his junior and senior years.[18][19] He graduated in 1961.[18]

        • Delaware Dave says:

          No, he didn’t. I would call Archmere and stop relying on a some internet BS site.

      • Hmmm, when someone mentions ‘grifter’ and ‘President’ in the same sentence, Biden’s is not the first name that comes to mind.

        • Alby says:

          Seriously. I have never wavered from my criticisms of Biden. None of these cretins can say the same of their attitude towards Trump.

          Being against government grifting – and having one’s relatives profit off one’s name counts as grifting to me and anyone else with a working conscience – isn’t even a liberal/conservative thing. Good government groups used to be non-partisan, because we should all agree that our elected officials shouldn’t use their positions to enrich themselves.

          Republicans can no longer agree to that, because underneath their constant culture war provocations, grifting is the entire cause d’etre of the Republican elected class. And these dumb mooks like Davey here actually send them their money.

    • bamboozer says:

      Hope to see it, hope to see a new age of renewable energy, we need this, even if Big Oil does not.

      • Alby says:

        The main opposition will come from Richie Riches who think seeing a few far-off windmills on the horizon will lower their property values.