Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump reported between $172 million and $640 million in outside income while working in the White House

Filed in National by on August 4, 2023

When I say Hunter Biden should do the right thing and go to jail,  I think about Jared and Ivanka.

It isnt’s “bothsiderism” it is just me reminding myself that the media’s rules for Democrats are not the same as the media’s rules for Republicans.


About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Arthur says:

    Has anyone seen Jared and ivanka lately? I’m guessing they are “vacationing” in a country without extradition

    • Jason330 says:

      Ivanka was Trump’s top campaign surrogates last time. I’m not sad to see her avoiding her father. I just hope it keep’s up.

  2. bamboozer says:

    Jared and ‘Vanky aren’t the only ones avoiding deadly Donald, their now practicing political distancing. And who can blame them?

    • Delaware Dave says:

      At least they’re reporting their income.

      • puck says:

         With a 400% margin of error?

        • jason330 says:

          It also doesn’t count the $2 billion he got from MBS. Nothing fishy about that deal.

          Six months after leaving the White House, Jared Kushner secured a $2 billion investment from a fund led by the Saudi crown prince, a close ally during the Trump administration, despite objections from the fund’s advisers about the merits of the deal.