Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread: Saturday, August 12, 2023

The Fuck-Up That Is Hunter Biden Isn’t Going Away.  Yeahyeah, I know all about false equivalency, which only matters to people who haven’t allowed their brains to rot.  Still, there’s no doubt that Hunter grifted off his old man’s name, even if he was never able to deliver promised favors from the old man:

They thought it was over, that they could put it in the rearview mirror. All that Hunter Biden had to do was show up in a courtroom, answer a few questions, sign some paperwork and that would be it. Not that the Republicans would let it go, but any real danger would be past.

Except that it did not work out that way. The criminal investigation that President Biden’s advisers believed was all but done has instead been given new life with the collapse of the plea agreement and the appointment of a special counsel who now might bring the president’s son to trial.

For the White House, the attorney general’s Friday afternoon announcement was an unpleasant surprise, a head-snapping reversal from just seven weeks ago, when the president’s team thought it had turned a corner with Hunter Biden’s agreement with Mr. Weiss to plead guilty to two tax misdemeanors and accept a diversion program to dismiss an unlawful gun possession charge.

The Biden camp was deeply relieved that five years of investigation had added up to nothing more serious. The president made a point of inviting his son, who has struggled with a crack cocaine addiction, to a high-profile state dinner two days later in what was taken as a spike-the-ball moment declaring victory over the family’s pursuers.

The Hunter Biden legal team wants certainty that a guilty plea would end the matter, given that Mr. Trump has vowed to prosecute him if elected president. But as Mr. Weiss revealed on Friday, subsequent negotiations intended to iron out the disconnect have reached an impasse, making a trial all but certain to be the next step and making it easier for Republicans trying to shift attention from Mr. Trump’s three indictments.

They are, of course, hardly comparable cases. Hunter Biden was never president and never will be president, and even the most damning evidence against him does not equate to trying to overturn a democratic election in order to hold onto power. But it has been a useful strategy for Republicans to complain about what they call a “two-tier justice system.”

Of course not.  But that won’t matter to a broad swath of voters.  What I think it will do is to further dampen already tepid enthusiasm towards Biden’s reelection campaign.

One Senator. 301 Military Nominations. No Confirmations. Just as the Founding Fathers envisioned?:

Data obtained and verified by The Washington Post reveals that, as of Aug. 12, 301 high-level positions were ensnared in Tuberville’s hold. That number is expected to more than double by the end of the year, officials say, unless the impasse, which stems from the Pentagon’s abortion policy, is resolved. By year’s end, The Pentagon estimates that about three-quarters of the generals and admirals in the Defense Department — 650 of 852 — will be affected by Tuberville’s hold.

Previous holds have been resolved relatively quickly, however, making this case uniquely troubling and destructive over time, said Peter Feaver, a professor who studies civil-military relations at Duke University. Feaver, a national security official during the presidential administration of George W. Bush, said the nation is now in “rare and uncharted territory” given the sweep and significance of the roles affected.

I’ll say it again.  Time to move some Federal stuff  out of Alabama.   Hmmm, maybe Florida as well b/c that’s where he’s lived for the past twenty years:

Tuberville’s office says his primary residence is an Auburn house that records show is owned by his wife and son. But campaign finance reports and his signature on property documents indicate that his home is actually a $3 million, 4,000-square-foot beach house he has lived in for nearly two decades in Santa Rosa Beach, Fla., located in the Florida Panhandle about 90 miles south of Dothan.

His wife, Suzanne Tuberville, a licensed real estate agent in Florida, has worked at a Santa Rosa Beach real estate firm since the start of this year; she does not have an Alabama real estate license.

Read the whole thing.  Simply put, he’s not an Alabama resident.  What’s that? Dave McBride on line 2?

Gov. Abbott Kills Three-Year-Old Girl.  Died while on one of Abbott’s ‘Operation Lone Star’ migrant buses:

 A three-year-old girl from Venezuela being transported to Chicago from Texas by bus with other migrants died at a local Illinois hospital after showing signs of illness, the Texas department of emergency management said on Friday.

“Once the child presented with health concerns, the bus pulled over and security personnel on board called 9-1-1 for emergency attention,” the TDEM said in a written statement.

“After the ambulance arrived, the bilingual security personnel translated for the parents and the paramedics who were providing care for the child,” the statement said. “The child was then taken to a local hospital to receive additional medical attention and was later pronounced deceased.”

Illinois officials said in a statement they were working with health officials, state police and federal authorities “to the fullest extent possible to get answers in this tragic situation.”

Texas has bused more than 30,000 migrants to Democratic-controlled cities across the U.S. since last year as part of Republican Gov. Greg Abbott’s sprawling border mission known as Operation Lone Star. Besides Chicago, buses have also been sent to Washington, New York, Philadelphia, Denver and Los Angeles.

I can only say that I hope that Gov. Abbott experiences a slow, agonizing death.  He is without redeeming human qualities.

What do you want to talk about?

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