If True, Democratic Senators Really Suck

Filed in National by on August 15, 2023
Ian Millhiser
I rarely disagree with Warren, but she’s wrong here. The people who need to act to stop Tuberville’s blockade on military confirmations are Senate DEMOCRATS, who could change the Senate rules at any time to abolish single-senator holds. twitter.com/ewarren/status…

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Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. puck says:

    No patience for that argument. The Dem barely-majority includes one Senator who has left the party, and another who is talking about running against Biden. And those two are just running cover for a handful of less outspoken DINOs. Dems need at least 55 senators to pass anything meaningful, just to overcome those Dems working for the other side. Hoping for a blue wave election.

  2. bamboozer says:

    Suspect single senator holds will continue if for no other reason then that the rest of the little kings refuse to diminish their godlike power, and rather like the ability to slam the brakes on the government as they please. Like Puck I’m hoping for a blue wave, suspect Trump’s approval will take a nose dive as the trials get going.