Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread: Friday, August 18, 2023

We’se Proud Of Our Guy:

Rory Ehrlich, 6, of West Pottsgrove, won the kid’s division of the USA Mullet Championships in August 2023, beating out more the 900 children for the title.
Charles Fox / Staff Photographer / Philadelphia Inquirer

Trump’s Lawyers Request Brief Trial Pause–Until 2026.  Because he’s such a crook and they have so much evidence against him that his barristers couldn’t possibly go through it all until then:

Lawyers for former President Donald J. Trump asked a judge on Thursday to reject the government’s proposal to take Mr. Trump to trial in early January on charges of seeking to overturn the 2020 election and to instead push back the proceeding until April 2026 — nearly a year and a half after the 2024 election.

The lawyers said the extraordinary delay was needed because of the historic nature of the case and the extraordinary volume of discovery evidence they will have to sort through — as much as 8.5 terabytes of materials, totaling over 11.5 million pages, they wrote in a filing to Judge Tanya S. Chutkan, who is overseeing the case.

In a bit of legal showmanship, Gregory M. Singer, the lawyer who wrote the brief, included a graph that showed how 11.5 million pages of documents stacked atop one another would result in a “tower of paper stretching nearly 5,000 feet into the sky.”

They asked Jack Smith for everything he’s got. They got everything that Jack Smith’s got.  He’s got a lot.

The Hoods Come Off.  Trump’s racist rants aren’t even dog-whistles any more:

It was always just a matter of time before threats against the public officials and everyday citizens who are holding Trump accountable became explicitly violent and racist. The only question is whether the Republican Party is going to pretend not to notice — which is the same thing as actively joining in.

All of the elected officials and presidential candidates who indulge Trump’s stolen-election lies for fear of being defenestrated by the MAGA base — all of those who mumble about “irregularities” in the 2020 vote or the “weaponization” of the justice system — have a decision to make.

As his legal peril mounts, Trump is nakedly using race as a wedge to animate his most racist White supporters. Are you okay with that, Ron DeSantis? Tim Scott? Nikki Haley? Mike Pence? Vivek Ramaswamy? You need to tell us, yes or no, at your coming debate.

‘Ye’s Publicist, An ‘MMA Fighter’, And A Lutheran Pastor.  The weirdest part of the Georgia indictments?:

This particular episode centers on three individuals — Rev. Stephen Lee, Harrison Floyd, and Trevian Kutti — who District Attorney Fani Willis, in the indictment, accuses of “harassment and intimidation” directed toward a local election worker, Ruby Freeman.

The story of how the election plot ended up on Freeman’s doorstep is a complex and winding tale involving one of the most persistent “Big Lie” conspiracy theories, the eccentric rapper-turned-Hitler enthusiast Ye, frantic 911 calls, and a chaplain who viewed himself as a first responder for “demonic births.” It all culminated in Kutti’s January 2021 visit to Freeman’s home. During that meeting, Kutti warned Freeman that she might be in unspecified danger if she did not admit to thoroughly debunked voter fraud allegations.

On the surface the three co-defendants seem like an unlikely group. Lee is an elderly Lutheran pastor. Floyd is a brash failed congressional candidate, former Marine, and political operative who bills himself as an “entrepreneur” and “MMA fighter.” Kutti is a veteran entertainment industry publicist who has worked with Ye, then known as Kanye West — who was technically Trump’s rival in the 2020 presidential race — and other celebrities. Despite their differences, the trio have one thing in common: Trump.

Worth your daily micro-dose.

DeSantis’ Master Debate Plan.  Let’s see if he follows the script.  Looks like ‘Wear untucked shirts’ is part of the meme.

EPA To Run Yet More Interference For Makers Of ‘Forever Chemicals’? A new definition–or no definition at all?

Instead of using a clear definition of what constitutes a PFAS, the agency’s Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics plans to take a “case-by-case” approach that allows it to be more flexible in determining which chemicals should be subjected to regulations.

Among other uses for the compounds, the EPA appears to be excluding some chemicals in pharmaceuticals and pesticides that are generally defined as PFAS, current and former EPA officials say, and the shift comes amid fierce industry opposition to proposed limits on the chemicals.

The approach puts the toxics office at odds with other EPA divisions, other federal agencies, the European Union, Canada and most of the scientific world. The definition is likely to generate confusion in the chemical industry and within the agency, current and former EPA officials say.

“This is not a new definition – it is a lack of definition, and it makes no sense,” said Linda Birnbaum, a former EPA scientist and head of the National Toxicology Program. “It is just going to lead to terrible confusion.”

Do You Know Who I AM??!!  I’m The Mayor Of Goddam Camden Delaware!!  Not any more:

Justin T. King agreed to step down as Camden’s mayor on Tuesday as part of a plea deal stemming from a February incident at his business in which he shoved two people using a carwash.

The 41-year-old mayor and former Camden police officer, pleaded guilty to hindering prosecution and disorderly conduct. He also pleaded no contest to offensive touching.

In a shocker, he saw some Black men who ‘looked suspicious’, and responded like any low-class white racist would.

What do you want to talk about?

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