DL Open Thread Wednesday August 30 2023
My prediction: All of the small government conservatives with blown down houses will be yelling about the government not doing enough.
Climate Change Fortified Hurricane Idalia Set to Make Florida Even More Unlivable
The boiling waters of the Gulf of Mexico have added to Idalia’s punch making it a category 4 storm expected to bringing 12 to 16 foot storm surge to a state already suffering under a Ron DeSantis Governorship.
DEGOP Candidate Recruitment Sputters – Winner of Dem Governor Primary May Run Unopposed
While it is well known that the DEGOP is having problem raising money, Julianne Murray chaired DEGOP is also having significant problems raising candidates. While the DEGOP would typically have a collection of angry crackpots lined up to “take one for the team” and lose in each of the statewide races, this year the party’s cupboards are bare.
They said they were annulling the results of Saturday’s election, in which President Ali Bongo was declared the winner.
The electoral commission said Mr Bongo had won just under two-thirds of the votes in an election the opposition argued was fraudulent.
His overthrow would end his family’s 53-year hold on power in Gabon.
Randy Steven Small killed his neighbor Bob Adair in a dispute over property in rural Indiana. (Mugshot from Brown County Sheriff’s Office; victim photo from his obituary; crime scene photo from the Brown County Prosecutor’s Office)
A man in Indiana was sentenced to 60 years in prison for shooting his 70-year-old neighbor in the head with a 12-gauge shotgun while the man sat in his pickup truck in a dispute over where the victim had placed a post for his mailbox.
Having been in a coma for 30 years, Gay Republican shocked GOP would block the Log Cabin Republicans from attending party convention
Richard Grenell, the U.S. ambassador to Germany under Donald Trump and acting director of national intelligence for about two months, decided to call out the Republican Party for putting its 2028 national convention in Houston, Texas because the state’s party is particularly anti-LGBTQ+.
The problem, though, isn’t that Texas has enacted some of the harshest anti-LGBTQ+ – and particularly anti-transgender – legislation in the country in the past several years. What Grenell called out was how the Texas Republican Party bans the Log Cabin Republicans – an LGBTQ+ Republican organization – from setting up a booth at its state convention.
What’s the source for the Delaware GOP item?
Mostly looking at campaigns that have filed vs what I’ve heard.
Also heard that the outgoing Chair took all the passwords and contact lists with her when she left (as if to set up a shadow DEGOP) but couldn’t confirm that. But you are the Watcher, what have you watched?
No one has actually filed yet, on either the Democratic or Republican side, because the filing procedures and fees haven’t been set yet. Some candidates have created their campaign committees, but that can happen anywhere up until the filing date.
I’ve been watching BHL create her committee on August 24 with a campaign treasurer from Rhode Island. I try not to watch too much GOP goings-on because it gives me constipation.
Ha. They are beating the bushes, and nobody is stepping up from either the (relatively) normal side wishing to raise their statewide profile [eg. someone like Buckson], from the elder statesman side, [eg. someone like Simpler, or Bill Lee] or from the crackpot/gluttons for humiliation side [eg. Murph].
That said, they’ll probably find some clueless dope to fill the ballot line. The winner of Dem governor primary running unopposed must be viewed as very unlikely.
Both BHL and Matt Meyer have filed campaign committees. Meyer filed his about a year ago. On the R side, crickets.
Speaking of, A few of us recently got a mailer for a BHL fundraiser cohosted by Nicole Poore and the Ferreras. I believe the Ferreras are especially right leaning and were the ones responsible for the trump barn visible from the saint George’s bridge. In the absence of a republican candidate they are looking to buy a dem
Getting Dukakis tank helmet vibes from this photo: https://www.wdel.com/news/federal-money-to-fund-construction-of-newport-trail/article_868292d4-469f-11ee-b9da-c34cabbf4ddc.html
The only way it could be better is if they were all eating corn dogs.
Jason will no doubt be tickled to note they gave Coons a girl’s bike to pose with.
Like Coons, I was raised in humble circumstances, and had an older sister so hand-me-down girls bikes are something we probably had in common.
No shade today.
Carper had a girl’s bike as well. His EAZI Scooter was out of frame:)
For whatever reason the DEGOP has been silent. When Trump was indicted the first time they had a statement parroting the Fox News talking points. That was under Jane Brady. Since then, they said that they were looking forward to finding a candidate to compete in the House race. And other than that, radio silence.
It could be a number of things or some interplay between these things:
– There was a north/south split when Murray shocked Brady. Maybe the infighting continues out of view.
– Brady did take the passwords and shit when she left.
– Julianne Murray is smart enough (?) to keep quiet to help the 3 remaining NCC Republicans who probably don’t want to be talking about Trump.
It was not a north/south split. Murray had Colonial Region( Southern NCC) and Kent put her over the hump while Jane was strongest in her home Sussex.
The MitchBot glitched up again.
This one looked scarier than last time. I don’t wish him ill will — well, yeah, I mean, I kinda do — but I mostly wish he would just retire. His wife and children must be begging him to.
Police involved shooting between Lowes and DMV
No details yet