Delaware Liberal

It seems like Democrats should be able to run on something like this

Every Single Republican Voted Against Lowering Drug Costs for Americans

As President Joe Biden signs the Inflation Reduction Act into law today, let’s not forget that every single House and Senate Republican voted against lowering prescription drug costs, going after tax cheats, and reducing the federal deficit.You read that right: Every single congressional Republican sided with Big Pharma over the American people — and 43 Senate Republicans actually went out of their way to block an amendment that would cap out-of-pocket insulin costs at $35 for millions of Americans on private insurance

Biden blasts GOP for voting against law lowering prescription drug prices

The Biden administration unveiled the first 10 prescription drugs that will be subject to price negotiations between manufacturers and Medicare – a move will likely save taxpayers billions of dollars each year. Sen. Amy Klobuchar joins MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell to discuss how this is just one of the ways Democrats are focused on helping Americans.

Every Republican in the House Voted for Higher Drug Prices, Higher Insurance Premiums, and to Deny Health Care to Millions

Every Republican in the House Voted for Higher Drug Prices, Higher Insurance Premiums, and to Deny Health Care to Millions

Washington, D.C. — The Build Back Better Act will deliver long-overdue relief to American families by lowering insurance premiums, giving Medicare the power to negotiate for lower drug prices, expanding affordable coverage to millions by closing the Medicaid coverage gap, expanding Medicare benefits to cover hearing, and investing $150 billion in home care for seniors and people with disabilities. By voting against Build Back Better, every single Republican in the House voted against lowering health care costs for working families — despite overwhelming support from their own constituents.

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