Trump’s business empire is in legal jeopardy over his constant lying, but lying is all he knows how to do, so he’s still at it. He gave a speech to a bunch of non-union auto workers and scabs last night but had a bunch of them carry UAW signs.
But Philip Bump of the Washington Post found a way to make Trump’s lies work for you, the American homeowner. He came up with a handy tool to help you determine the Trump Value of your property vs. the true value.
For example, if you own a home worth $200,000, inflating it by the same amount as Trump Tower would make it worth almost $600,000; inflating it by as much as Trump’s valuation of Seven Springs would make it nearly $2 million; and inflating it by as much as Mar-a-Lago would make it between $3 and $6 million.
In its race to show that it holds the same level of power and authority that the Roman Senate did during its empire period, The U.S. Senate passed a formal dress code because Republicans, including Joe Manchin, are a-skeered of John Fetterman. There’s nothing more important to the nation than that, amirite, you pathetic castrati?
There are reasons to shitcan Bob Menendez beyond the fact that he’s a greedy shitbag. As chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee, he’s also a right-wing menace, which has earned him the nickname “the Joe Manchin of foreign policy.” A greedy guy setting foreign policy? Didn’t we have enough of that with Trump in power?
A bunch of Republicans who aren’t Trump held a “debate” last night, but nobody gives a fuck, or should, except for our nation’s esteemed politics stenographers. They all covered it, though, because political reporter has become a beyond-useless occupation.
The floor’s yours.