Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread Friday, Sept. 29, 2023

Considering the pointlessness of the entire spectacle – all the challengers combined don’t reach Trump’s share of the Republican voters – the media sure is spilling a lot of pixels talking about the GOP gabfest. I’m not linking to any of it because I don’t want to encourage them. Besides, only 9.3 million people tuned in, all of them political reporters.

Whatever pixels are left over have been devoted to the rumored Taylor Swift-Travis Kelce romance. I’m not linking to that, either, because it might be the only thing that matters less than the GOP confab. On the plus side, it’s become the RWNJ Freakout of the Week™.

House Republicans can’t stop fighting with each other – the McCarthy-Gaetz spat makes one long for the days when they settled this sort of thing with pistols at 20 paces – and their attempt to Benghazi the president isn’t going so hot, either. Rep. Jasmine Crockett, D-Texas, stole the show:

California boosted the minimum wage for fast-food workers to $20 an hour. Current median wages for fast-food workers in California range from $16 to $18 an hour, depending on the municipality. No word on what this will do to the cost of an animal-style burger at In-N-Out, but an association that represents McDonald’s franchisees say it will cost them $250,000 a year, or about 10% of an average restaurant’s annual sales.

Some fucking TikTok idiot tried to bring his emotional support animal – a 5-foot-long alligator – to a Phillies game, triggering the only time in my life I’ve ever agreed with Howard Eskin.

Trumpublican tax cuts have funneled $2.2 trillion, with a TR, to billionaires. Republicans want to make the whole package permanent at an estimated cost of $3.8 trillion. A small percentage will, of course, trickle down to Clarence Thomas.

In case you weren’t already aware that the American legal system should stop using the word “justice,” read about how Google lawyers are objecting their way to keeping the bulk of the testimony in the company’s anti-trust trial out of the public record. Maybe I spend too much time in the Place de la Bastille, but I think the people should tear down the Supreme Court building stone by stone.

The floor’s yours.

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