Delaware Liberal

Reflecting on 18 years of DL & Thanks

Well, it looks like I picked a heck of a day to hang it up, but this is it for me.  My last post.  18 years is a long time, so I have some people to thank. For everyone I name I’m going to forget tons of people, so just know that if you’ve been on this trip, my heart is full of gratitude and thanks.

First of all El Som and Al. These years since Hillary Clinton ran her shitty campaign and lost have been a delight. Your snark and very questionable music choices pulled me through the Trump years. Al, you deserve a medal for putting up with the daily blizzard of mispellings.  ElSom, your Leg Hall coverage is the best political coverage in the state by far. Please keep it up.

The DL diaspora – LiberalGeek, DelDem, Donviti, Cassandra, Pandora, Nemski. I love you guys. Building the blog up and figuring out how good it could be was a blast.  I’m glad we were able to drag Barack Obama’s ass over the finish line.   But seriously, I think we amended the soil for some solid progressive oak trees that grew after us.

Thank you to early bloggers; Mike M, Hube, Dana G, Nancy W, Burris, in your own ways, you guys helped me take my baby steps.  Delacrat wherever you are and whoever you are (MM?) your blog flame burned bright, but briefly and yet your sense of humor is what I was always aiming to copy.

Thanks to all the bad politicians for all the content. Coons, Carney, Castle, Carper you motherfuckers suck(ed). If your goals in elective officer were 1) shoving money in your own pockets and 2) giving big pharma handjobs under the table – Congrats! You were great at that.   So, now you have to live the rest of your lives with that knowledge. Good luck sleeping at night knowing what Jason330 really thinks of you.  [As a last aside to Senator Chris Coons. Why was I so obsessed with badgering you?   Because you could have been good, Chris.  You lucked into office and were thereby handed an amazing opportunity, beholden to no person or business, and you shit all over that gift.  The wrong call IMHO. Your tenure is a festering sore of disappointment and squandered opportunity.]

Also, thanks to the good politicians. Matt Denn, Madinah Wilson-Anton and… Uh, …well… Matt Denn, Madinah Wilson-Anton you’ve shown that decency and integrity are possible even for elected officials.  There are others I suppose who fit this category, but as I type this I’m still too angry at Coons to think of them.  Thanks to – you know who you are.

Last but certainly not least, a heartfelt thank you to the countless commenters who graced (and will continue to grace)  this blog with your insights and opinions. Our spirited conversations were the lifeblood of this platform for me.  You motivated me to rise each morning and make sure my pantry was fully stocked with piss and vinegar.

I don’t know how to wrap this up, so I’ll leave it there.  Keep reading, commenting and lurking, and I’ll join you in the comments sooner or later.



PS.  I have a few scheduled posts related to the auction,  (which is not part of, or connected to this site) but I will not be checking in on comments, so if you have any questions about that use the email:

And if you question why a news aggregator like is needed now,  just take an hour to read and know that’s where your neighbors are now getting their “news”.




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