DL Open Thread Monday Oct. 2, 2023

Filed in National, Open Thread by on October 2, 2023

It takes a lot of dysfunction for the media to notice the GOP is in disarray, but that tipping point has been reached. Matt Gaetz says he’ll try to oust Kave-in McCarthy as speaker, while as-yet-nameless Republicans are expel Gaetz from Congress because, one said, “No one can stand him at this point.” This is newsworthy because it’s a rare example of a GOPer telling the truth.

Democrats, meanwhile, are not in disarray. California Gov. Gavin Newsom swiftly appointed Emily’s List president Laphonza Butler as Dianne Feinstein’s replacement. Rep. Barbara Lee, demonstrating that there’s no such thing as solidarity in politics, whined about the choice because she wants the job but is unlikely to win a party primary to get it. So maybe Democrats are in disarray after all.

Brian Karem, a White House reporter through the Trump years, takes the media to task for continuing to soft-pedal his death threats against his enemies.

More evidence that Trump should be jailed and kept in solitary confinement: One of his minions is charged with attempted murder after shooting peaceful protesters in New Mexico. Stochastic terrorism is a helluva drug.

How much should Trump’s co-conspirators worry about how they’ll look in orange? Quite a bit, if history is any guide. In her tell-all book, Cassidy Hutchinson tells the tale of Trump chief of staff Mark Meadows giving classified documents to reporters in the hours before Trump left office. This is the same thing that got Scooter Libby a 30-month prison sentence before George W. Chimp commuted his sentence.

The floor’s yours.

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  1. bamboozer says:

    Like Newssom’s appointment, see this as a very good thing. As for the far right war in the house of representatives let the battle begin, perhaps Gaetz and McCarthy can both be expelled and a new even worse maniac come to the fore, Chip Roy would do. In the meantime I see Trump as in an accelerated decline, his statements alone should make him unfit for office, but will not. As noted Trump’s former cohorts are all sweating it, and rightly so.

    • Looks like perhaps Va. Governor Glenn Youngkin is emerging as the ‘break glass in case of emergency’ alternative.

      • bamboozer says:

        Believe Youngkin to be damaged goods upon presentation, especially the “Happy and grateful slaves” insanity which would have been toxic upon arrival if he was heads up. Sure, the big money boys and his fellow billionaires may sign on, but suspect Trump is too dominant for many to answer the call.

  2. Andrew C says:

    Carper asked for Menendez to resign.

    Where’s Coons?