Delaware Liberal

Two Ethically-Bankrupt Legislators Stand Behind BHL…

…along with pretty much nobody else.  We have chronicled in these e-pages how both Our PAL Val and Sen. Nicole ‘No Longer’ Poore each got bullshit no-show jobs shortly after getting elected.  Longhurst as ‘Executive Director’ of the Delaware Police Athletic League (hence PAL, for newbies), and Poore as ‘Executive Director’ of the worse-than-useless Jobs For Delaware Graduates.

While I was taught in journalism school not to be too quick to castigate people on the basis of ‘guilt by association’, I’ve been around Delaware ethical miscreants long enough to know when their stink on someone else means that they all stink.  From today’s News-Journal:

Some Democrats continue to stand by Hall-Long. Speaker of the House Valerie Longhurst recently urged House lawmakers to support Hall-Long and not to believe the rumors about her campaign, this Democratic official said. A House of Representatives spokeswoman could not be reached for comment. 

Sen. Nicole Poore, a Democrat from New Castle, said in an interview that Hall-Long’s decision to conduct an audit is “showing us what true leadership looks like.” She praised the lieutenant governor for her “integrity” and “transparency.”

The Democrat said she doesn’t think the financial audit, and the reasons behind it, have changed people’s opinions of the longtime politician.

“She is being upfront,” Poore said. “Isn’t that something you should want from a leader?” 

Poore’s statement, in particular, makes me want to fwow up.  BHL is not being transparent or ‘up-front’.  She has told us nothing about why her campaign is in disarray, or why it’s in disarray due to financial irregularities.  The only reason she is conducting the audit is to see if there’s any way out of electoral quicksand.  Some of her staunchest supporters no longer think so.

As to Longhurst’s statement, the so-called rumors are coming from long-time supporters and former campaign officials who like her.

When the only legislators publicly backing Bethany Hall-Long are the two most unethical Democratic members of the General Assembly, I, for one, can no longer give her the benefit of the doubt.  J-school be damned.

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