DL Open Thread Tuesday, Oct. 3, 2023

Filed in National, Open Thread by on October 3, 2023

Matt Gaetz – am I the only one who thinks he looks like a low-quality AI rendering of a young Jack Nicholson? – has pulled the trigger on his threat to depose Kevin McCarthy as speaker of the House. This puts McCarthy’s fate in the hands of House Democrats; Josh Marshall weighs the pros and cons of them saving his ass.

Whiny bitch Donald Trump showed up at his fraud trial to issue his usual buffet of threats, insults and McDonald’s hamberders. Is our media outlets learning? Outlook cloudy, ask again later.

Speaking of fake billionaires, bitcoin scammer Sam Bankman-Fried reportedly pondered paying whiny bitch Donald Trump $5 billion to forego another presidential run. His company, SBF, unfortunately collapsed before we could learn whether fake money would entice a fake billionaire.

Speaking of scummy capitalists, Elon Musk is getting sued for libel for calling some guy a Nazi. Apparently it takes one to falsely label one.

Why are MAGAts so upset about Taylor Swift dating pro footballer Travis Kelce? Amanda Marcotte traces their reaction to its obvious source: They can’t get laid because women find them juvenile and obnoxious, which they have proven yet again by their reaction.

The floor’s yours.

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  1. puck says:

    For my money, Gaetz reminds me of Syndrome, the cartoon villain of The Incredibles.

  2. Who’s to say he’s not the first (or perhaps not the first) AI Congressman?

  3. Arthur says:

    BHL campaign is ‘evolving’ but adding anne farley to the roster. How many times can someone sheet themselves in the foot before they start shooting themselves in the other foot

  4. bamboozer says:

    On a lighter note nice to see something awful derailed before it gets into office. A reminder the Delaware Way is alive and still something that needs to die.

  5. McCarthy will bring motion to vacate to the floor, says he will not deal with D’s.

    • Looks like there may be enough votes to oust Speaker McCarthy. At least 6 R’s have said they’ll vote against him.

      If D’s stand firm, which is likely since McCarthy has ruled out dealing with them, he’ll be out.

      • puck says:

        A couple of votes to proceed on the motion to vacate passed with 218 Republicans voting for it. Happening right now is a vote to table the motion to vacate, which is the real vote where Democrats could save McCarthy if they choose: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=07lAKq91IBA

      • puck says:

        Motion to table failed; now some speeches, then moving to the motion to vacate.

      • puck says:

        I haven’t been counting but there seem to be enough Republicans speaking in favor of McCarthy that he will remain Speaker without Dem help. But Gaetz is getting his star turn.

  6. AA says:

    Interesting take from last night’s Belle Everett dinner: while waiting to hear candidates speak, I overhear a member of Levy Court, as well as others around me admit they had no idea anyone was running against Sarah McBride for congress.

    There is so much to dissect there.

  7. Jay Mahoney says:

    The good congressman mostly resembles a ventriloquist’s puppet.