Yo, Bethany: It’s Time

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on October 9, 2023

I’m pretty sure your supporters and/or those who would like to find an alternative if your ‘issues’ are fatal to your campaign are impatient for answers.

I don’t know what happened, but it looks like your problems may both be related to campaign finances, and/or questionable business dealings that you and your husband have had that may raise issues.

Allow me to point out that if alleged business dealings are an issue, then your ‘audit’ of your campaign wouldn’t reveal them, now would they?  Yet, they’d be no less disqualifying.

This will not blow over until you come clean.  I think you know that.  Just because John Carney got elected without campaigning (‘I’m waiting for my dear friend Beau’; ‘I’m not campaigning out of respect for my dead dear friend Beau’) doesn’t mean that you can.  I think people are tired of the lack of transparency from leading Delaware officials, and they’re not gonna take your word for whatever has ground your campaign to a halt, nor will they merely accept your ongoing silence.

Friends of yours have made the reluctant admission that you either are not electable or shouldn’t be elected.

You know what happened.  Either level with the public, or get out of the race.

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  1. Arthur says:

    Shhhhh….dont mention anything and everyone will forget and she’ll show up in a month like nothing ever happened.

    • I was all for giving her more time until Longhurst and Poore started suggesting that people were lying about her.

      They see liars every time they look in the mirror. That’s when my empathy for BHL waned.

      One more thing–I think she’s gotten some residual sympathy b/c she ‘stuck by her man’ even though he stole signs. But being in a shady business with him, if that’s true, is a whole ‘nother thing altogether. It may not be Jersey-level corruption, but it’s enough to render you unfit for office in Delaware.

      Am I speculating? Yes. But it’s informed speculation, and BHL’s silence now speaks volumes.

  2. mediawatch says:

    Any pol worth their salt would have had an explanation/story line out by now, regardless of whether it was true. The fact that she has said nothing means that she doesn’t know what to say. Don’t care whether she’s honest or not, if she can go two weeks in radio silence demonstrates that she’s an ineffective leader, regardless of her views.

    • Definitely gives off an ‘amateur hour’ vibe.

      • Clay says:

        She knows her goose is cooked. She’s buying time while Val and Nicole try to gin up a contingency plan. Carney is MIA, but rumor has it he is sitting in the corner in Dover , nearly catatonic, mumbling the eagles fight song.

  3. Delawarelefty says:

    She is done…. Stick a fork in her…. Now bring on some good candidates!… enough of the Delaware Way to mediocrity

  4. Al Catraz says:

    This is pretty ridiculous. Whatever it is, get it out in the open and deal with it one way or the other.

    This is no kind of leadership.

    If she can’t trust the voters with the truth, nobody should trust her with their vote.

    • “Bethany has always led with integrity and transparency, and will continue to uphold those values throughout this campaign,” the spokeswoman said.

      ‘Always’? Like, you mean, now? The only thing transparent about this is her motive.

      • BLT says:

        And what’s NAvarro’s involvement with all this? Her new treasurer is one of his employees who has no political experience or connections.

        • What I want to know is WHY did the so-called compliance expert leave the campaign.

          Did she jump or was she pushed?

          Transparency, my ass.

          • HamSandwich says:

            Probably peeked in her garage and saw a stack of pilfered Meyer campaign signs/literature. Can’t unsee that one.

        • The MoMo says:

          Agree with El, I think the fact that this person is a state employee is just a distraction (and it got covered, so it worked). Her profile says she’s been with the state for several administrations so she wasn’t appointed by Navarro and doesn’t seem to be in his inner circle at all. Wonder if BHL made calls around the Auditors office to find someone there first LOL

  5. Can’t resist. Just GOTTA cut-‘n-paste Cheryl Webb’s LinkedIn statement. Does this look like anybody BUT a place-holder?:


    “Hello, my name is Cheryl Webb. Currently I work for the State of Delaware Department of Insurance. Previously I worked as an Election and Voter Registration Clerk to include assisting with Campaign Finance, among many other roles and responsibilities for 9 years. I recently changed course to focus my career towards accounting. I took a position as an Accounting Technician so that I could get the experience needed to grow within the State’s accounting systems. I pride myself in excellent customer service and I know that it shows through in every aspect of my career when working with others and assisting customers and the general public. My background is in Restaurant Management. I became a Store Manager for an Arby’s franchise at the age of 21 in Denton, MD. I worked for a few companies since then that I absolutely loved. It was not an easy transition changing my career path to state government, but it was the best thing for my family at the time. My philosophy on having a career is that you can choose to love what you are doing or you can choose to do what you love. I decided to further my education and to use my past experiences to continue on the path of life-long learning, so why not get a few degrees along the way. I have an Associates in Applied Science in General Business and Accounting through Delaware Tech Terry Campus.”

    I’m not dissing Cheryl Webb in any way, just pointing out that she is not someone you put in this role to manage a campaign finance scandal.

  6. Arthur says:

    This isnt an audit of accounts its an audit of excuses.

  7. Wow. Pretty sure I door-knocked in there for Becca Cotto.

    Great job by Karl Baker.

    It’s out in the open now.

    Your move, Bethany.

  8. mediawatch says:

    Poor BHL. Looks like her campaign is going to be playing Whac-a-Mole in slow motion, and missing with the mallet every time a new inconvenience appears.

    • Alby says:

      Can something be shocking but not surprising? I’m not surprised the couple pulled this crap, I’m shocked that she thought none of this would come out considering how much of this Matt Meyer surely knew.