Delaware Liberal

Yo, Bethany: It’s Time

I’m pretty sure your supporters and/or those who would like to find an alternative if your ‘issues’ are fatal to your campaign are impatient for answers.

I don’t know what happened, but it looks like your problems may both be related to campaign finances, and/or questionable business dealings that you and your husband have had that may raise issues.

Allow me to point out that if alleged business dealings are an issue, then your ‘audit’ of your campaign wouldn’t reveal them, now would they?  Yet, they’d be no less disqualifying.

This will not blow over until you come clean.  I think you know that.  Just because John Carney got elected without campaigning (‘I’m waiting for my dear friend Beau’; ‘I’m not campaigning out of respect for my dead dear friend Beau’) doesn’t mean that you can.  I think people are tired of the lack of transparency from leading Delaware officials, and they’re not gonna take your word for whatever has ground your campaign to a halt, nor will they merely accept your ongoing silence.

Friends of yours have made the reluctant admission that you either are not electable or shouldn’t be elected.

You know what happened.  Either level with the public, or get out of the race.

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