Song of the Day 10/14: Joni Mitchell, “Banquet”

Filed in Arts and Entertainment by on October 14, 2023

For Paul and El Som, by request. The original arrangement on “For the Roses” features Joni on piano, but this full band concert performance from her film 1983 film “Refuge of the Roads” brings the song to greater life. The music starts at 1:46, but the old film footage preceding and punctuating it puts the song in the context Mitchell wanted to present.

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  1. paul says:

    Thank you so much…

  2. paul says:

    The original song on For the Roses will not be found on Spotify. Other versions like the one posted are more readily available. This song focuses on Joni’s awareness of income and wealth disparity way back in 1972. By the way, I did enjoy the visual of Joni singing.