Delaware Liberal

The FINAL Delaware Occasional Political Weekly Of The Year!

After this, we go weekly…until we don’t.  Meaning, maybe we have a political weekly this Friday, maybe we have one next Friday.  Depends on how many stories/rumors we can gather, and how quickly.

1.  BHL Opts To Brazen It Out.  Her campaign touted two endorsements last week–Lumpy Carson and Kendra JohnsonGotta love this:

Rep. Bill Carson, D-Smyrna, and Rep. Kendra Johnson, D-Bear, both endorsed the lieutenant governor, praising her strong character, good heart and experience as a public servant.

She wouldn’t roll out endorsements if she were planning to leave the race.   Matt Meyer got one from Nnamdi Chukwuocha,  begging the question:  Can we please get someone else to run?

It’s been, what, about a month since John Carney canceled (or postponed) his fundraiser for BHL due to her suspension of her campaign.  She has promised an audit of her campaign finances, which has not yet been forthcoming.  Her treasurer, the one from Rhode Island well-versed in campaign finance compliance, not her unethical husband former treasurer, has left the campaign, leaving the treasurer’s role to someone on loan from Insurance Commissioner Trinidad Navarro.  Remember, kids, we didn’t suspend her campaign, we didn’t suspend the campaign while an audit was supposedly being conducted on her campaign reports dating back to at least 2015, she did.  At this point, we don’t know if an ‘audit’ will be made public, we don’t know if an ‘audit’ has taken place, we don’t know who is supposedly doing the ‘audit’.

That was before Karl Baker’s story on the LLC being jointly run by BHL’s unethical husband and BHL’s former top aide.  Her aide continued to work for her for something like 2 or 3 years after he started up the LLC with BHL’s unethical husband.  You’ve all seen the responses on our blog.  Three words: Shoot The Messenger.

I have some questions:  Will BHL hold a press conference to answer questions about her campaign finances?  Will she release the supposed audit?  Will she answer questions about the LLC, and about whether she gains financially from it?  Does John Carney still endorse her?  Will he do that fundraiser for her if/when all the controversy has been whitewashed?  Feel free to add your own.

2. Ladeez And Gentlemen: YOUR Rethug Candidate For Kent County Register Of Wills–

Colin Bonini. Yup, when you’re lazy and you’ve gotten so used to feeding at the public trough and you need the money, why not run for a row office?  The Bloviator has filed his committee for the seat, and it’s perfect for him.  The clerks do all the work, he collects the paycheck.  Betcha he can work from home.  I mean, ‘work’ from home.

3.  No Labels Party Files In Delaware.  In the spirit of ‘unity’ (aka Chamber ‘centrists’) the treasurer is, suitably, Ben DuPont.  You might enjoy his Wikipedia page, as it demonstrates just about how far (and no further) your last name can take you.

4. Tracey Miller To Kick Off Campaign This Sunday!:  She’s running in RD 34 in Kent County to knock off undistinguished incumbent Lyndon Yearick.  This should be a competitive race.  Here’s part of what I wrote about this contest back in July:

The 34th RD is largely a suburban Kent County district running south from the Dover suburbs.  Here is the map.  The registration is 8189 D, 6100 R, 5560 I. As we know, as we move downstate, the registration totals provide a misleading picture when it comes to how people vote.  In 2022, the D candidate in this district, Adewumni ‘Ade’ Kuforiji, got about 39% of the vote.  He raised almost no money and ran a weak campaign.  Still, Yearick got 60% of the vote.

However, there are reasons for optimism.  Tracey Miller has already filed, meaning she’ll have the opportunity to run a real campaign instead of Ade’s invisible campaigns.  She is not an unknown.  She’s quite visible as the Director of Marketing & Community Engagement at Dedicated To Women, a health clinic in Dover.  Based on this article, it looks like she might be able to build an effective grassroots campaign powered by high school students and activists.  She’s also a member of the Dover/Kent County Metropolitan Planning Organization.

She’s also the Vice-Chair of the Kent County Democrats and the RD Chair for the 34th.  Meaning, she’s not likely to get ‘cut’ like some Democratic candidates and incumbents in recent and not-so-recent memory.

Here’s all the info on her kickoff event:

Why not donate today?  If you’re in the vicinity of her event on Sunday, stop by and tell her that Delaware Liberal sent ya!

That’s all I’ve got.  What’d I miss, and whaddaya think?

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