Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread: Friday, October 27, 2023

Justice Thomas’ $267 K Motor Home.  Not a single dollar of principal was ever repaid to the wealthy lender:

The existence of the $267,230 loan, made by the businessman Anthony Welters in 1999 and forgiven in 2008, was first reported by the New York Times. On Wednesday, the Times quoted Michael Hamersley, a tax lawyer and congressional expert witness, as saying “‘this was, in short, a sweetheart deal’ that made no logical sense from a business perspective”.

In the case of the luxury RV – a Prevost Marathon Le Mirage XL – Welters loaned Thomas the money in 1999. The businessman told the Times: “I loaned a friend money, as I have other friends and family. We’ve all been on one side or the other of that equation.”

But on Wednesday the Senate finance committee said it had now seen documents that showed an annual interest rate of 7.5% but no obligation to pay down the principal, only annual interest payments of $20,042. The committee also said it had seen a note from Thomas promising to abide by the terms.

“None of the documents reviewed by committee staff indicated that Thomas ever made payments to Welters in excess of the annual interest on the loan,” the panel said.

As described by the Times, when the loan came due, in 2004, Welters granted a 10-year extension “despite the fact that the previous year Justice Thomas had collected $500,000 of a $1.5m advance for his autobiography, according to his financial disclosures. Then, in late 2008, Mr Welters simply forgave the balance of the loan, according to the committee’s report.”

There’s no other way to put it:  A blatantly corrupt justice is on the Supreme Court.  A justice who rules in favor of those who have done him favors.

Santos On The Outs?  Looks like there will be a vote next week.  The push is led by NY Rethugs, who are terrified that they will be dragged down by his corruption.  Didn’t stop ’em from voting for Mike Johnson, though.

D’Esposito said the resolution calls Santos to task for lying about his employment, filing false financial disclosure reports with the House and for the numerous criminal charges Santos faces. It requires a two-thirds vote to expel a member from Congress, a high threshold.

“As a result of these actions, George Santos is not fit to serve his constituents as a United States representative,” D’Esposito said on the floor. Other New York Republicans sat behind D’Esposito as he read the resolution, including Rep. Marc Molinaro.

Molinaro said he plans to vote for the measure when it comes to the floor.

“George Santos should not be a member of Congress. He should have resigned. We’ve seen a cascade of indictments, more criminal activity,” Molinaro said. “He basically has admitted to being a fraud. And if that resolution comes the floor, I’ll vote for it.”

If being a fraud was enough to get you expelled from Congress, nah, not going there.

Whoa, This Mike Johnson Is A Christo-Fascist.  Wraps the bible (lower case deliberate) into pretty much everything he says:

Johnson previously worked as senior attorney and spokesperson for Alliance Defending Freedom, or ADF, a Southern Poverty Law Center–designated hate group that pushes its far-right agenda through the courts. Johnson is also an evangelical Christian who has said, “My faith informs everything I do.”

That may include his history of using extreme, homophobic language. CNN uncovered some of his previous rhetoric, which includes calling homosexuality “inherently unnatural” and a “dangerous lifestyle” that would lead to legalized pedophilia and could destroy “the entire democratic system.”

“Experts project that homosexual marriage is the dark harbinger of chaos and sexual anarchy that could doom even the strongest republic,” he wrote in another 2004 column.

He has also opposed LGBTQ rights at every other turn. He voted against bipartisan legislation to codify same-sex marriage, which President Biden signed into law earlier this year. In 2022, he introduced what advocates called a federal “Don’t Say Gay” bill. The legislation would have banned classroom instruction on gender identity and sexual orientation through the third grade. Johnson called the bill “common sense.”

He has voted for a national abortion ban and co-sponsored at least three bills that would restrict abortion on a nationwide level. The anti-abortion group Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America has given him an A+ rating.

In his spare time, Johnson hosts a religious podcast with his wife called “Truth Be Told.”

Not sure this is the face the GOP wants out there going into an election year.  We shall see.  BTW, don’t forget his call for a creationist museum (if you read only one article today…):

Before arriving in Washington less than a decade ago, House Speaker Mike Johnson, a deeply religious Christian, was a legal crusader associated with a fringe evangelical movement called “young Earth creationism,” based on a literal reading of the Bible’s Book of Genesis that posits the Earth is only several thousand years old.

“The Ark Encounter is one way to bring people to this recognition of the truth, that what we read in the Bible are actual historical events,” Johnson said in a 2021 interview with Ark Encounter founder Ken Ham while guest-hosting the radio show of Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council, an evangelical activist group.

Johnson has close personal and professional ties to Ham, the founder and CEO of Answers in Genesis, the Christian group that’s behind Ark Encounter and the Creation Museum, both based in Kentucky. As an attorney, Johnson helped the gigantic ark attraction, which opened in 2016, secure millions in state tourism subsidies while also defending its right to make religious-based hiring decisions.

“Kentucky officials are smart to enthusiastically embrace the Ark Encounter, and the millions of tourists the park will welcome to the area from every viewpoint, race, color, religion and creed,” Johnson wrote in an op-ed that appeared in the Louisville Courier Journal in 2014. “Answers in Genesis aims to encourage critical thought and respectful public debate about the various attractions and ideas that will be presented at its park, and that is the beauty and essence of free speech.”

‘Nuff said.

Delaware AG Goes After Companies That Inflict PFA’s On Us:

The Delaware Department of Justice has filed a lawsuit against 13 chemical companies, claiming they contaminated Delaware’s natural resources and jeopardized public health with “forever chemicals.”

Delaware Attorney General Kathy Jennings announced the lawsuit Thursday afternoon. Among the 13 defendants are 3M Co. and Tyco Products, both of which manufactured a type of firefighting foam containing PFAS − also known as “forever chemicals” − that were used heavily on military bases and airports.

The lawsuit also claims that the companies knew the risks of the chemicals to the environment and public health of residents as far back as the 1960s.

“Despite knowing that safer alternatives to PFAS existed, 3M chose profits over people, relentlessly developed and marketed its products, and made billions in the process,” Jennings said. “Our neighbors and businesses have footed the bill as a result of their deception.”

During the press conference Thursday afternoon, Jennings also said that covering the costs of potential health monitoring as a direct result of the contamination will be prioritized.

“Taxpayers should not have to pay for the cleanup and they shouldn’t have to pay for their own health monitoring,” Jennings said.

What do you want to talk about?

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