Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread Monday, Nov. 6, 2023

Didja ever notice that the more fundamentalist religious people are, the more hung up they are about sex? Another day, another story about what a weird creepazoid new House speaker Mike Johnson is. Seems he has a deal where he and someone else monitor each other’s online activity, acting as the porn police. Johnson’s partner was his 17-year-old son. Johnson is scrubbing his internet history as fast as he can, but he’s apparently no match for reporters hungry for stories they can do from their own desks.

Trump is set to testify today in his civil fraud trial in New York, and the media are as excited as a horny teenager on prom night. It’s nice to dream about a Perry Mason moment where the man-baby melts down on the stand and confesses to his years of criming, but it’s nah gah happen. On the other hand, it shouldn’t take much effort to reduce him to a sputtering firehose of rage.

I’m just going to use this as a standing headline so I don’t have to write it every day: Calls for a ceasefire in Gaza grew louder yesterday. They have yet to have any effect.

From the What the Fuck Is Wrong With People file: Rep. George Santos (R-Cuckooland), under federal indictment and a House ethics probe, says he’ll run for reelection even if he’s expelled from Congress. The fact that this guy managed to get elected – from a blue state, no less – is the best evidence I can find for the decline of democracy.

Rich people love to yammer about how a Universal Basic Income would be a “moral hazard” because it would remove the incentive to work, thereby making people lazy. But as Thom Hartmann points out, they must not believe it, because if they did they wouldn’t give so much money to their kids.

The floor’s yours.

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