DL Open Thread Monday, Nov. 6, 2023

Filed in National, Open Thread by on November 6, 2023

Didja ever notice that the more fundamentalist religious people are, the more hung up they are about sex? Another day, another story about what a weird creepazoid new House speaker Mike Johnson is. Seems he has a deal where he and someone else monitor each other’s online activity, acting as the porn police. Johnson’s partner was his 17-year-old son. Johnson is scrubbing his internet history as fast as he can, but he’s apparently no match for reporters hungry for stories they can do from their own desks.

Trump is set to testify today in his civil fraud trial in New York, and the media are as excited as a horny teenager on prom night. It’s nice to dream about a Perry Mason moment where the man-baby melts down on the stand and confesses to his years of criming, but it’s nah gah happen. On the other hand, it shouldn’t take much effort to reduce him to a sputtering firehose of rage.

I’m just going to use this as a standing headline so I don’t have to write it every day: Calls for a ceasefire in Gaza grew louder yesterday. They have yet to have any effect.

From the What the Fuck Is Wrong With People file: Rep. George Santos (R-Cuckooland), under federal indictment and a House ethics probe, says he’ll run for reelection even if he’s expelled from Congress. The fact that this guy managed to get elected – from a blue state, no less – is the best evidence I can find for the decline of democracy.

Rich people love to yammer about how a Universal Basic Income would be a “moral hazard” because it would remove the incentive to work, thereby making people lazy. But as Thom Hartmann points out, they must not believe it, because if they did they wouldn’t give so much money to their kids.

The floor’s yours.

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  1. Was kinda surprised that there has been little pushback from the Biden camp on what’s becoming a meme that it might be best if he didn’t seek reelection.

    The chattering classes have joined David Axelrod and most Democrats in arguing that Biden should NOT run again. The polls have been clear since at least April that most D’s don’t think he should run.

    I think the Israel-Hamas war has shaken up the calculus. To me, Biden has come off as well-meaning but ineffectual, granting that it would be a difficult figurative minefield for any president to navigate.

    That poll showing Trump leading Biden in several key swing states was an eye-opener to me. Ball’s in your court, Joe.

  2. Trump is reportedly turning his testimony into a circus. Judge has repeatedly tried to get Trump’s lawyer to control his client, but to no avail.

    Trump DID admit, however, that he overvalued his Trump Tower penthouse, but claimed it was the only one he could recall.

  3. Seorge Gantos says:

    Staten Island ain’t blue, Homey.

    • puck says:

      Wrong island. Santos’s district is on Long Island.

    • Alby says:

      The state is blue last time I checked. One of the worst state Democratic parties in the country, but it’s a blue state.

      Red areas of blue states tend to be particularly rabid, however.

  4. paul says:

    People thought Biden had no chance in the 2000 primary until it was South Carolina’s turn. Clyburn waved some kind of magic wand and turned the primaries around. In retrospect, I believe Biden was the only Democratic candidate who had a chance to win the general…and all because of Clyburn’s magic wand…

  5. Jason330 says:

    “It’s nice to dream about a Perry Mason moment where the man-baby melts down on the stand and confesses to his years of criming, but it’s nah gah happen. ”

    Even if the Perry Mason moment happened, it wouldn’t change anything. The country is hopelessly idiotic and delusional.


    • Alby says:

      If by “the country” you mean “people either motivated to talk to a pollster or too dumb to avoid one,” then yes.

  6. Joe Connor says:

    The FUNDRAISING HAS RESTARTED! Received at 6:08 PM
    Choose your button!
    I’ll spare you the rest of the letter;)
    Spelling my name wrong was a nice touch!

    We must stand up for women’s rights to make their own health care decisions. We must address the scourge of gun violence so our kids are safe at school. And we must empower Delawareans to thrive in the face of rising costs and rising temperatures.

    With one year to go until the gubernatorial election, I’m asking for your support. Will you make a donation to my campaign so we can make Delaware the best place to live, work, and raise a family?

    $10 $50

    $100 $300

    $600 Other
    Thank you, Joseoh – together, we’ll create a brighter future for the First State.
    Bethany Hall-Long

    • ‘Together–as long as we keep my campaign violations away from the eyes of the public…’

      • Alby says:

        Women’s rights are not under threat.

        There is nothing you can do to stop the threat of gun violence, other than throwing lots of money at cops in schools. Is that the plan? Before I pay you for it, what is the plan?

        “Empower Delawareans to thrive”? Fuck you, you empty-phrase-bloviating back-bencher. Take your deadbeat husband and ride off into the sunset.

    • Jason330 says:


  7. delacrat says:

    Biden well-meaning?

    His speaking glowingly about the jobs in several states from supplying the Zionist death machine with an additional $14 billion in munitions should tell you “well-meaning” does not describe Biden.

    What does describe Biden is … Monster