DL Open Thread Monday, Nov. 13, 2023

Filed in National by on November 13, 2023

South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott became the latest GOP hopeful to realize that trying to change the zombified minds of Trump cultists is a fool’s errand. He ended his presidential campaign, which means he embarrassed the poor woman he introduced as his girlfriend for nothing.

Donald Trump’s legal team is apparently going to demand a mistrial in his New York fraud case because the judge won’t buy his bullshit. He doesn’t understand why other people wouldn’t because he always eventually buys it himself – for example, he really came to believe he’d be reinstated as president months after the election. He referred to his political enemies as “vermin” at his latest rally, drawing Hitler comparisons, but I don’t see this tinpot psycho having the balls to shoot himself when the time comes.

The media’s obsession with the absence of Bidenmania is pathetic. Because political reporters aren’t being sufficiently excited by Biden, the whole country has to pretend Trump is going to win re-election because, as this article makes clear, reporters are unimpressed with his marketing and the supposedly resulting lack of enthusiasm. Uh, folks, nobody has to love Biden to hate Trump. You dumb fuckers have spent so much time interviewing dipshits in red hats you don’t realize how much the rest of us hate him.

The mystery of Trump is, and will forever remain, why people can’t see what an obvious phony he is. Mary Trump makes the case that his entire fortune, such as it is, consists mainly of loans he didn’t repay. Compared to Trump the Kardashians seem legit.

Have you noticed something about so-called cancel culture – namely that the supposedly cancelled always seem to come back somehow? Well, it doesn’t happen by magic. It takes staggering sums paid to PR professionals to convince the public that a celebrity isn’t the shitheel he or she seems to be. Of course, it takes malleable reporters to make that work, and where are you going to find… oh, wait.

Well, at least they won’t have Tim Scott to kick around anymore. The floor’s yours.

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  1. Scott was a weird combination of sunny optimism paired with perhaps the most restrictive abortion stance of all the candidates.

    ‘Sunny optimism’, of course, being the deal-breaker.

  2. Jason330 says:

    I didn’t see Tim Scott trying to change any primary voters mind on Trump. It is 2020 all over again. They all seem to think Trump is about to die or quit, so they are very happy to be running a distant 2nd, 3rd or 4th.

  3. Jason330 says:

    I guess it is still bad form in the media to compare Trump to Hitler, because Trump is “just joking”, or the media is “neutral” and not partisan. But Trump is not making it easy for the MSM to remain aloof.

    Hitler: I will get rid of the “communist” “vermin”
    Trump: I will get rid of the “communist” “vermin”

    Hitler: I will take care of the “enemy within”
    Trump: I will take care of the “threat from within”

    Hitler: Jews and migrants are poisoning Aryan blood
    Trump: Migrants are “poisoning the blood of our country”

    Hitler: “One people, one realm, one leader”
    Trump: “One people, one family, one glorious nation”

    • john kowalko says:

      Don’t forget the Trump proposal to build “concentration” camps for migrants. Trump is a “Nazi” without any of the true convictions of Nazis. He envisions an authoritarian regime in America that he will use to his economic advantage and to seek revenge on his critics/enemies. He is a modern day Hitler and should be identified as such and rejected by all.

      John Kowalko

  4. puck says:

    I was skimming this article about Coke vs Pepsi market share – Pepsi is gaining because of its profitable diversification into munchies – when this jumped out at me:

    Both stocks have trailed the S&P 500 Consumer Staples Index this year. PepsiCo has slumped around 7%, while Coca-Cola has dropped about 10%. Both touched one-year lows in October amid worries that people taking so-called GLP-1 drugs — a class of medicines used to treat diabetes and obesity — will cut back on indulgences.

    • Alby says:

      I would think the opposite would happen – people can indulge without gaining so much weight. If they could stop drinking soda they wouldn’t need the Ozempic in the first place.

    • Alby says:

      BTW, market value, not market share.

      • puck says:

        Yeah, I noticed that too late to edit and didn’t bother posting a correction. I don’t have diabetes or obesity, but I used to drink a lot of diet coke. When the price more that doubled with the pandemic inflation, I stopped buying it. Anyway, the drugs work by reducing your appetite, so the fear was they would buy less. But apparently the stuff is addictive enough that plenty of people kept buying it. Pepsico has Doritos, btw.

    • BLT says:

      When is Carney going to disavow his handpicked corrupt puppet? If he really condones her lack of commitment to transparency and ethics, then he’ll fit right in in Wilmington city government.

      • Alby says:

        When has Carney ever done anything proactive in his entire public career?

        People who know him well assure me he’s a nice guy, but I’ve never seen anything approaching leadership qualities from him. I always find it amazing that a guy with so little personality for leadership was once a high school quarterback.

        • BLT says:

          That’s part of the problem. He’s a nice guy in a line of work that doesn’t tolerate nice guys. If he isn’t going to stand up and demand the lieutenant gov be transparent and honest, then the city might as well elect Velda Potter.

          • avi says:

            also, isnt everyone just tired of these same people? hall-long included. enough is enough. just go retire and lets end this whole wing of faction of the state party once and for all. this state deserves so much better than these feckless losers

          • John Kowalko says:

            I don’t consider someone a “nice guy” who directs his appointees Claire DeMatteis, Cerron Cade, and Rick Geisenberger to deliberately lie and deceive state retirees in regard to their health coverage. I will not consider someone a “nice guy” who would deliberately put employees and retirees at risk for their health and lives to allegedly save a buck at their expense. I will not consider this Governor a “nice guy” as long as he is willing to push a Medicare Advantage plan (privatization of Medicare) down the throats of retirees to satiate the appetite of his corporate, private insurers to reap massive profits from the taxpayer funded Medicare program. I don’t think you can define or equate “nice guy” with a callous, contemptible disregard for the people who worked for you on behalf of those families who elected you. Sorry John, the “nice guy” shoe doesn’t fit.

            Representative John Kowalko (retired)