Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread Monday, Nov. 13, 2023

South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott became the latest GOP hopeful to realize that trying to change the zombified minds of Trump cultists is a fool’s errand. He ended his presidential campaign, which means he embarrassed the poor woman he introduced as his girlfriend for nothing.

Donald Trump’s legal team is apparently going to demand a mistrial in his New York fraud case because the judge won’t buy his bullshit. He doesn’t understand why other people wouldn’t because he always eventually buys it himself – for example, he really came to believe he’d be reinstated as president months after the election. He referred to his political enemies as “vermin” at his latest rally, drawing Hitler comparisons, but I don’t see this tinpot psycho having the balls to shoot himself when the time comes.

The media’s obsession with the absence of Bidenmania is pathetic. Because political reporters aren’t being sufficiently excited by Biden, the whole country has to pretend Trump is going to win re-election because, as this article makes clear, reporters are unimpressed with his marketing and the supposedly resulting lack of enthusiasm. Uh, folks, nobody has to love Biden to hate Trump. You dumb fuckers have spent so much time interviewing dipshits in red hats you don’t realize how much the rest of us hate him.

The mystery of Trump is, and will forever remain, why people can’t see what an obvious phony he is. Mary Trump makes the case that his entire fortune, such as it is, consists mainly of loans he didn’t repay. Compared to Trump the Kardashians seem legit.

Have you noticed something about so-called cancel culture – namely that the supposedly cancelled always seem to come back somehow? Well, it doesn’t happen by magic. It takes staggering sums paid to PR professionals to convince the public that a celebrity isn’t the shitheel he or she seems to be. Of course, it takes malleable reporters to make that work, and where are you going to find… oh, wait.

Well, at least they won’t have Tim Scott to kick around anymore. The floor’s yours.

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