Delaware Liberal

George Santos And Bethany Hall Long: Separated At Birth?

Does this sound familiar?:

…investigators found evidence that _____ used campaign funds for personal purposes, defrauded donors and filed false or incomplete campaign finance and financial disclosure reports…

Let’s fill in the blank: George Santos.  Immediately following the release of the House Ethics Committee report this morning, Santos announced he would not seek reelection in 2024.  Oh, and there’s this:

The committee voted unanimously to refer its findings to the Department of Justice, saying that Mr. Santos’s conduct “warrants public condemnation, is beneath the dignity of the office, and has brought severe discredit upon the House.”

And while the panel refrained from recommending any punitive measures, there were already indications that the report could be the catalyst for a third effort to remove Mr. Santos from office. Numerous House members have previously said that they would support his expulsion if the committee found criminal wrongdoing or a severe breach of ethics.

Now, ask yourselves this.  Who else allegedly ‘used campaign funds for personal purposes, defrauded donors and filed false or incomplete campaign finance and financial disclosure reports‘?

Now, I’m in no position to judge criminality in matters like these.  But I like to think that I can identify unethical behavior when I see it.  BHL and her husband appear to have engaged in behavior quite similar to the behavior of George Santos.  (Let’s face it, if Santos was born in Suxco, would you blame him for trying to find an alternative identity, or identities? Of course not.)

The House has referred Santos’ actions to the Justice Department, has publicly found ‘substantial evidence’ that Santos has violated the law, and has referred the matter to the entire House for possible further action.

What will anybody do about Bethany?  What will Bethany do about Bethany?  Will she at least follow Santos’ lead and announce that she will not seek election in 2024?

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