Delaware Liberal

Delaware Political Weekly: November 10-16, 2023

1. Special Election In RD 37.  State Representative Ruth Briggs King has resigned her House seat effective immediately as she has just moved out of her district.  By current Rethug standards, King was pretty reasonable.  Definitely not a bomb-thrower.  BTW, the only female member of the House GOP Caucus.  She had previously given everyone a heads-up that this move was imminent.  So, what happens now?

The election will take place within 45 days from now.  The Speaker has ten days from the resignation to declare a ‘writ of election’, and the Delaware Department of Elections must set an election date that falls within 30-35 days of the filing of the writ.  Both the News-Journal and the Delaware State News report that “the chairperson of the county committee for each political party must name a candidate to run in the special election to fill the seat.”

While I guess that’s true, I thought that the local district committee had that obligation.  When Bud Freel was chosen to fill the term of Rep. Gerald Brady, it was the (then) 4th RD Committee that made the choice.  Who can help me here?

I guess the race could be competitive, but likely only if the R’s choose a real nutcase.  Current registration figures are 5565 D; 6189 R; and 4119 I.  The results here and elsewhere in the non-beach parts of Suxco have skewed even more R than the registration.

OK, kids, speculate away.  What names have surfaced amongst our Suxco Spies?

2. Who Is Liam Schofield?  Well, a ‘Declared Write-In Candidate’ For Wilmington Mayor.  Oh, and a litigant in a case where he was found guilty of ‘possessing a firearm by a person prohibited’ who then was found to have violated conditions of parole numerous times.  Guy keeps appealing.  And losing.  Wonder if he’s got Scott Walker on his Rolodex.

That’s all I’ve got this week.  What’d I miss, and whaddayathink?

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