Delaware Liberal

Delaware Department Of Elections ‘Ain’t Worth A Bucket Of Warm Spit’

When it comes to investigations, they opt out.  They’ve now said so.  From a must-read piece by Amanda Fries (h-t to Joe Connor, who apparently doesn’t sleep):

Delaware elections officials have the authority to investigate campaign finance violations, but that oversight has never been used.

The state Department of Elections said that it has “no records” of probes conducted using the most basic power given to Delaware election commissioners: investigating “information coming to the attention of the commissioner that, if true, would constitute” a violation of campaign finance laws.

Even though Lt. Gov. Bethany Hall-Long publicly acknowledged campaign finance issues, the Elections Department has steered clear of using its investigatory powers to ensure that the gubernatorial candidate’s campaign hasn’t violated Delaware law.

Instead, Delaware voters and taxpayers are left to take Hall-Long’s campaign at their word when it announced the internal audit found “no wrongdoings or violations.”

Or, as has been written here and elsewhere, we can simply look at the facts and conclude that she is lying and has been lying for several years about the state of her campaign finances.  We can conclude that she and Her Husband The Treasurer diverted over $300K of donors’ dollars to their own private bank accounts.  Before I continue, just go back and read the excerpts from Fries’ piece again.  I’ll wait.

Department officials said they have neither received a copy of the audit nor are they conducting a third-party review of Hall-Long’s campaign finances, and refused to answer questions on what Delawareans must do to prompt the election commissioner to use their investigatory powers.

Memo To The Joint Sunset Committee:  Put this fucking agency under review stat!

Memo To the Department Of Justice:  I was told that you wait until a referral from the Department of Elections until you consider taking action.  Ain’t no referral coming.  You want a serial liar and quite possibly a criminal as the next Governor?  Then continue to do nothing.

Memo To Legislators:  Have a packet ready by January to either force the Department of Elections to do their job or to transfer their responsibilities directly to the AG’s office.

Memo To John Carney: Uh, never mind.

This is an important article.  Although–there was one piece of information that should have been included, the name of the current Elections Commissioner.  He is Anthony J. Albence, and appears to be serving on an expired term.  Hmmm, guess Carney doesn’t want anyone new rocking the boat while his anointed choice for governor seeks to avoid further legal entanglement.

This is a disgrace.  Who, if anybody, will make it right?

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