DL Open Thread Wednesday, Nov. 29, 2023

Filed in National, Open Thread by on November 29, 2023

This isn’t getting the media play it should: Hunter Biden said he’d testify in the House GOP “investigation” of his business dealings, but only if the session were open to the media. The Republican response: They shit themselves with fear and explained that they won’t do that, because they’ve already admitted that the sole purpose of their sham probe is smearing Joe Biden. They have no evidence, so they hold closed-door hearings, then lie to the media about what was said behind closed doors. Instead of telling the public about this, the media would rather direct your attention and hate towards pro-Palestinian college students.

Some rich Republicans seem to think that they can just move past Trump, forget the whole thing happened, and impose their minority view on the rest of the country just by finding a somewhat smaller asshole than Trump. Their latest standard-bearer is former South Carolina governor Nikki Haley, who the Koch network chose as the recipient of $70 million in campaign cash. I’m curious about this: How many generations removed from immigrant parents does a person have to be to avoid Republican condemnation as an immigrant? And how much will those rich fucks miss that $70 million? Because Haley trails Trump by more than 30 points in her home state.

The never-Trumpers’ problem is that Trump remains the leader of the cult, and lots of rich people are still in thrall. At least one billionaire – Bernie Marcus, the shitstain who co-founded Home Depot – says if Trump’s convicted he’ll still fund his campaign. Which is why I haven’t bought anything at Home Depot in decades.

Worried that America’s politics is dominated by a few reactionary billionaires? Fear not. Lots of Republican House members are getting their money from shell companies backed by Putin-stooge Russian oligarchs. MAGA Mike Johnson is a prime example. So see? It’s not just American billionaires poisoning our politics, it’s foreign ones as well. Thanks to our on-the-take Supreme Court, it’s gonna stay that way, too.

Oh, and this just in: Elon Musk has endorsed the Pizzagate conspiracy. Quick, fanbois, tell me again what a genius he is, you gullible saps.

The floor’s yours.

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  1. paul says:

    Musk, like Narcissus, is enthralled by his own face…

  2. bamboozer says:

    As noted the supremely bad court opened up American politics to the whole world and now “black money” from foreign nationals is flowing in, all of it of bad intent. Call it what you will, it’s makes for more corruption for a system that was already rife with it many years ago.

  3. A general note to posters:

    For some reason, lengthy posts often get caught up in moderation. We don’t put them there, but the ‘calculus’, for some reason, does.

    We’ll do our best to get them posted once we see them there.

    So, don’t lose hope.

  4. Beach Karen says:

    The USA needs total campaign finance reform. If it were up to me, I’d eliminate PACs, limit all individual donations for a Presidential race to $2,000, and completely eliminate corporate donations.

    You get caught taking money from an individual or corporation to donate to a candidate so they can donate more than the $2,000 limit, everyone involved loses their right to vote and donate for 10 years.

    Races would actually be funded by individual Americans reaching into their own pockets for candidates they support, and millionaires will have the same exact impact on an election as your average American…$2,000 worth.

  5. Andrew C says:

    Politico is hardly must-read but you all will enjoy this one:


    “Hi. I’m in … Delaware.”

    “Wilmington belongs in a hallmark Christmas movie,” said SHEA NECHELES, director of strategic communications. “I have a favorite local coffee shop, independent bookstore, and my commute home is a walk along a main street lined with twinkly lights.”

    “Wilmington has been great so far. For a runner, the riverfront is awesome. The food scene has also taken me by surprise. Have you seen Le Cavalier? It’s gorgeous – like Paris, but Delaware!” said rapid response spokesperson SETH SCHUSTER.

    More in the link.