Delaware Political Weekly: November 24-30, 2023

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on December 1, 2023

1.  Annnd, just like that, we have a Democratic primary for NCC Council President.  Robert A. Williams, who previously served on Wilmington City Council, as filed.  I spoke to him yesterday.  He started as a policeman, then became an RN who, among other things, worked as a fraud investigator in the AG’s office.  He said that, while on City Council, he prioritized putting an end to lapses in service in the Wilmington Fire Department and also advocated for more transparency in city government.  He stressed that transparency in government would be a priority if elected as County Council President.  I’m sure that some of our readers have more knowledge of him and his career, and I’d welcome your feedback.  Williams filed on Nov. 22.

One George S. Frankel filed on November 28.  According to his LinkedIn page,  he has a Bachelors degree from the College Of Charleston, and a Masters from the Lingnan University Grad School in Hong Kong.  He’s had a fairly itinerant career so far.  Hmmm, this one’s interesting.  Turns out he was Delaware’s ‘Chief Youth Coordinator’ for Kasich For America back in 2016.  He’s had a 6-month stint as a US Senate Page and 2 3-month stints as a US Senate Doorkeeper.  Meaning, he’s got an in with one of our senators.  He’s been working with the Delaware Workforce Development Board for about 15 months.  Although his name appears on the primary ballot, his campaign committee has not yet appeared on the Department Of Elections page.  I’ll try to reach out to him once it does.

2.  Special Election is all set for RD 37.  Both candidates have filed their campaign committees, and have paid their filing fees to be on the ballot.  Jane Hovington for the D’s,  Valerie Jones Giltner for the R’s.  Registration in the district is 5565 D, 6189 R, and 4119 I.   Looks like a ‘root for the laundry’ election to me.  Anyway, the election is on Thursday, December 21. Early voting begins on December 8. Early voting dates and polling places here.  Look for a minuscule turnout and an R victory.

That’s all I’ve got this week.  What’d I miss, and whaddayathink?

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  1. AA says:

    I think if Jane can get out the early vote and run that up, there’s a victory possible.

    • Joe Connor says:

      I think that despite my back surgery and the inability to walk more than 5 minutes I’m gonna win a 10K:). Jane will notch 37%.
      On a high note Bob Williams is the one ex-cop I’m all in for! He advocated for WPD to carry Narcan when Dennis the Menace, Mike 23% and some Neanderthal Council people who may have been named Loretta opposed saving lives.

  2. SussexWatcher says:

    Colin O’Mara has filed a committee to run for Governor.

    • Joe Connor says:

      Dear Bethany, you have failed to do a single thing to come clean. Colin the Enviromental dude is gonna take you out like Roto Rooter clears sludge! CYA wouldn’t want to be ya:)

    • Yep. Filed his committee, hasn’t yet filed for the ballot.

      Also, an R, Jerrold Price, filed today for Governor. Filed both his committee and for the ballot.

      Next week’s Political Weekly will be epic. Why? Because there’s more to come. Just gonna have to trust me on this one…