You Can NOW Donate To Kamela Smith!

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on December 8, 2023

Finally, Act Blue has come through:

You will note that there’s a $99 level for those who don’t want to risk retaliation from Val.

Me?  I’m going with $101, because (a) I want Val to know, and (b) I got my wife’s permission.

Make it happen, pipples.  Contribute and then come over here and tell us about it!

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  1. Done! Who’s next?

  2. Joe Connor says:

    Sent to Ms. Smith!!!! But NO SOUP FOR JC:)

    Dear Joseph,

    As you’ve heard by now, I am planning a campaign to run for Mayor of the City of Wilmington. However, running a successful campaign takes resources. We need more support to make this campaign a reality.

    If you have contributed already, I’m deeply grateful. If you haven’t, please consider pitching in so we can run a successful campaign next year.

    I’ve lived in Wilmington for 35 years, and Tracey and I love our city. Over the last seven years as Governor, I have helped lead our state through some tough times – and we’ve come out stronger. That experience will help me deliver for all the people of Wilmington.

    My team and I are close to launching my campaign for Mayor. But, frankly, I need more support to run a successful campaign.

    That’s why I’m asking you to contribute to our campaign this week.

    The maximum contribution is $600. You can contribute online or send a check to:

    Carney for Wilmington