Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread Monday, Dec. 18, 2023

Somebody should explain to Benjamin Netanyahu that when you’ve lost Chris Coons, you’ve lost the Democratic centrists. It seems even Coons has had enough of the senseless slaughter of Palestinians. He told CBS’ “Face the Nation” Sunday that Netanyahu “has been an exceptionally difficult partner.” This is the closest Coons has ever come to criticizing Israel. The rest of the world joined him after Israeli troops killed three hostages waving a white flag.

A fender-bender in Wilmington last night drew national attention, because the SUV that a sedan plowed into was a security vehicle guarding Biden outside his Wilmington campaign headquarters. No word yet on whether it was just an accident.

The grand poobah of the Florida GOP doesn’t want to step down just because he’s been accused of rape by the woman he and his wife sleep with. He has demanded $2 million to go away, so the state GOP’s executive board stripped him of his pay and his power, which probably hurts less than finding out the other woman was more interested in his wife than in him.

The New York Times deserves a smidgen of credit for its deep dive into the Supreme Court’s machinations in overturning Roe v. Wade. It makes clear that, far from the noble sages they like to pretend they are, the Supreme Court is as much a political body as Congress. Wearing robes doesn’t disguise the fact that these are jurists who were put in place for their predetermined views. Nice of the Times, after all these years, to finally take notice.

Producing green energy is getting cheaper all the time, but petroleum companies have been slow to embrace it regardless. This NPR story explains why: the profit margin on petroleum is much better. The rich always think they’ll be the last ones to die. They’re not under that illusion in France.

The floor’s yours.

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