Delaware Liberal

Delaware Political Weekly: Dec. 29, 2023 To Jan. 4, 2024

1.  Where are those year-end campaign finance reports?  So glad you asked.  Although the reports had to be closed out as of the end of 2023, they can be filed any time between now and Jan. 22, 2024.  Department of Elections will post them soon after having received them.  I’m sure we’ll see some reports pop up in the next few days.  I suspect that those candidates who did really well will likely issue press releases about their windfalls.  Remember that these are for candidates for statewide office on down to the various county councils and row offices.  We will no doubt also get figures for the Delaware candidates for federal office soon as well. The filing deadline for federal candidates is Jan. 31, 2024.  Anyone think that, say, Sarah McBride will wait that long to let us know how much she raised?

2.  Frank Burns files for 21st RD.  He is officially on the ballot for November.  Which, of course, could also be September if Our PAL Val’s chosen opponent to primary Frank also files.  I will mention his name again if/when he does so.  Likely not in complimentary terms.

Hey, slow week.  Holidays and all.  I’m betting next week will be more active.

What’d I miss, and whaddayathink?

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