DL Open Thread Sunday, Jan. 14, 2024

Filed in National, Open Thread by on January 14, 2024

For most people the record-breaking heat of 2023 wasn’t surprising – only Republicans pretend not to know about global warming – but it was to scientists, because the increase was greater than known processes would allow for. Something else is going on, and climate scientists don’t know what it is or might be. If 2023 was an anomaly, 2024 probably won’t be much hotter. If not…

The political media is hopelessly wedded to its horse-race narratives, so the breathless coverage of the Iowa caucuses will dominate headlines for the next three days even though the only race is for second place, and nobody outside the political-journalism ecosphere gives a fuck.

If the media were more interested in facts than narrative – it isn’t, the clowns who teach journalism have been yammering about “narrative” for at least a generation – they would tell you that the Republican Party is on the verge of collapse as it becomes the cult of a malignant personality. State parties all over the country are going tits-up as slavish devotion to the Big Lie empties their bank accounts and occupies what passes for their minds. It seems like a good narrative to me, but political journalists take themselves too seriously to lean into dark comedy.

Most new technologies start out with glowing predictions about potential wonders. Not so with so-called artificial intelligence – people have been predicting disaster from its conception. Before disaster arrives, though, there will be a thousand lesser insults, indignities and, yes, crimes. For example, some cretinous outfit fed all George Carlin’s cable specials into one of these programs and produced a “new” Carlin special. Is that kosher? Carlin’s daughter doesn’t think so. She’s suing, as well she should. The most obnoxious part: They turned Carlin into a pitchman for AI. I only wish Carlin were still with us so I could hear his vicious takedown of these jackals.

The floor’s yours.

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  1. bamboozer says:

    I miss Carlin as well, and would love to hear what he has to say, then again the same for Dorothy Parker. As for the media I refer to them as the Corporate Media, as profit and sensation are what motivates them. Rupert Murdoch won, journalism lost.

  2. puck says:

    Reuters interviewed Trump supporters in five states:

    To try to understand his enduring appeal, Reuters spoke to five Trump supporters in five general election battleground states: Nevada, Georgia, Arizona, Pennsylvania, and Michigan.

    It’s worth the read; not your usual “journalist drops-in-at-diner” piece. Each of them gave what (to them) were rational reasons, all wrong-headed. All of them live in an alternate information universe.

    • puck says:

      Here are the money quotes from each of the five:


      Lipp, an observant Jew who grew up in the Bronx and who has an Israeli wife, said that as 2023 progressed he came to see Trump as the only presidential candidate capable of dealing with Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, and growing friction with China.


      “The Black community can really sympathize with what Trump is going through because this is (our)history,” said Moore, 64, who lives outside Atlanta. “Black people know about trumped-up charges, someone who’s been unfairly targeted by the law.”


      Ruiz praised policies introduced by Trump when he was president including building some new sections of border wall, and keeping asylum seekers in Mexico.


      Chuderewicz-Adams ran successfully for the Plum Borough School District board in November 2021. She campaigned on “parental choice” and against “indoctrination,” part of a wave of conservative women who sought school board seats to contest mask and vaccine mandates and to curtail the instruction of sexuality and racial identity in public schools.


      Johnson can’t foresee any way Trump could legitimately lose again to Biden. He fears violence should the Republican fail to return to the White House.

      It’s why the Second Amendment – the right to bear arms – is in the Constitution, he said: “Not to protect yourself from your neighbor but to protect yourself from your government.”

    • Alby says:

      I’m curious: Why would it be worth my time to read this? I don’t give a fuck what deluded people say.

      • puck says:

        For me, it’s because I don’t spend any time with these people, so a ten-minute read is worth it to me to keep up with the downward spiral of my fellow Americans. My takeway is that they are now in an impenetrable information cocoon.

        • Alby says:

          I guess I get all of that I need doing the news roundups. But I have found that this information cocoon encompasses all of them, including the ones you would have considered smart in the Before Times.

      • John Kowalko says:

        Excellent question/response Al. You can get your fill of the delusional idiots all day and all night via CNN interviews and “town hall” coverage of gatherings of cultists (with a dash of Republican debate coverage thrown at the wall) all courtesy of CNN.
        John Kowalko

        • Alby says:

          I never watch infotainment on TV. If it weren’t for eaveswatching (the TV is on when I’m in the room) I wouldn’t see any at all.

          Nobody laying on their deathbed ever said, “I wish I had watched more TV.”