We’re BACK! Didja miss us? So many great conspiracy theories as to what happened:
Feckless Joe forgot to pay the service bill.
Jason inserted a poison pill into his Super Bowl prediction.
Tucker had Vladimir deep-six us.
Puck got Mossad to conduct cyber-warfare against us.
Bethany Hall-Long–never mind, she can’t afford to take action against us.
We want to hear your conspiracy theories. (Truth is, it was a WordPerfect glitch.)
Regardless, the Political Weekly will just have to wait until tomorrow. My time is limited today.
The Question Of The Day: Does anyone think that the nature of the presidential race didn’t change yesterday? Admit it, I think many of us have held our collective breath just hoping that Biden doesn’t sink into a puddle of befuddlement. Whether or not you think that the investigator was fair in his characterization of Biden’s mental state, it is now part of the equation. We’re probably looking at the mental confusion that beset Reagan (unless he was acting) at the end of his second term. Sure, Trump’s worse, and he’s a would-be dictator. But Trump’s declining mental state is now equaled by Biden’s declining mental state. Don’t forget that one of the reasons why no charges were recommended against Biden was that declining mental state. Meaning, if Biden is correct in insisting that he’s as sharp as ever, he should have been charged.
Biden said he was running b/c he was the only one who could beat Trump. That was bullshit from the start. We’re now looking at the possibility that, like Hillary, he’s the only one who could lose to Trump.
Sure, Trump’s gonna lose his appeal on presidential immunity while winning the ability to remain on the ballot. Maybe the press of his legal problems will enable Biden to win. I, for one, am not willing to bet on that, especially with the delaying tactics that have so far succeeded.
Both Biden and Trump are exceedingly-damaged goods. Biden should do the right thing and step aside. Sure it would be chaos for a couple of months. But I believe that the eventual nominee would be much better positioned than Biden to win in November.
Come to think of it–that should be more than enough fodder for the Open Thread.
What do you want to talk about?