Delaware Liberal

Delaware Political Weekly: Feb. 2-9, 2024

Yes, an eight-day week.  Without 8/7ths times the political news of a typical 7-day week.  But I can only work with what comes my way.

1.  Kevin Caneco Kicks Off CampaignI don’t ask for much, just that he not be a rubber-stamp for the developers, and that he not be bankrolled by the developers.  We endorsed him before, and will likely do so again if he sticks with the reasons why he ran last time:

“We need to get big developer money out of county politics, preserve our open spaces, and create an office that is engaging and mobile. For too long the old status quo has lingered around this office. Fresh innovative ideas and energy that point towards our county’s future is necessary.”

If memory serves, Kevin had some National Guard duties that forestalled his campaign last time.  The incumbent is Bill Bell, whose office is always open for (developer) business.  It is less than certain that he will run again.  Here is Kevin’s announcement:

2.  The Two Legislative Campaigns That Have Caught My Eye.  More than two, actually.  But two have come out of the box so strongly that I can’t resist giving them props:

Branden Fletcher Dominguez For State Rep. From RD 3.  Based on my glimpse of him at work during Shane Darby’s primary against Nnamdi Chukwuocha, I knew this guy was a campaign genius from the get-go.  The only question for me was: Would he be able to effectively be the candidate while not also micromanaging his campaign?  He is running for the seat being vacated by Sherry Dorsey Walker, who is running for Lieutenant Governor.  That campaign has been so effective that I can’t see anybody mounting a challenge to him, despite the race being for an open seat.  His campaign has been canvassing constantly since his entry into the race, he has built a grassroots machine that includes the support of State Senator Tizzy Lockman.  He hasn’t missed a trick–he will even have volunteers greeting voters at the upcoming Red Clay referendum.  He raised a more-than-respectable $15 K in 2023, that total being even more impactful because the kind of campaign he’s running relies more on shoe leather than on mass mailings.  He’s a true progressive and has charisma to go with a firm grasp of issues, especially when it comes to those facing housing challenges.  I’m calling it:  He will win, and he will be a progressive star in Dover.

Monica Beard For State Rep. From RD 22.  This race has moved way up my list of Most Intriguing.  I always know that Monica would be a great candidate based on my occasional interactions with her, but I saw the race against incumbent R Michael Smith as an uphill one.  I now think it’s no worse than a toss-up.  Not only has Nick raised over $25K, virtually all of it from individual contributions, including virtually all of Delaware’s best progressive legislators, but this is the coolest campaign around!  All kinds of community events with just the right amount of quirkiness.  You all know how much I hate the endless pleas for money.  I rarely even open them.  However, who wouldn’t want to open an e-mail with this tag-line?:  “It’s like Lillith Fair, minus the angst.”  It’s about an upcoming event, complete with a reference to one of my fave TV shows:

It’s February and lots of exciting things are happening

the two red teams are playing each other in the Super Bowl (as Wee Man calls them), it’s Black History Month and as Leslie Knope tells us, it’s Galentine’s Day, the most important day of the year!

Are you ready to Treat Yo Self this Galentine’s Day?  Join me in celebrating amazing women and the power of female friendship at our Galentine’s Day party on February 11th. Our party will be complete with chocolate and beauty supplies thanks to Wax Bar by Cate and Choco’n’Joy. Some of my favorite Delaware women will be celebrating with us as special guests- come meet Senator Sarah McBride and Senator Laura Sturgeon

While I won’t post the excellent Black History Month portion, suffice it to say that Shane Darby (that name again!) is mentioned.

These two campaigns aren’t just campaigns, they’re communities.  Already.  Take it from me, these are the kinds of campaigns that people want to volunteer for.

3. Filing(s). State Rep. Lyndon Yearick, R-34th RD.  He is facing a competitive race against D Tracey Miller.  Feel free to show her some love and $$’s.

That’s all I’ve got this week.  What’d I miss, and whaddayathink?

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